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Friday, March 04, 2011


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will there by a random smatterings recapping the manhattan cup?

No, just the recap I already gave. Sorry Charlie.

section vi bias


The Will South boys sure were there last night

Kudos to the overpriced ($3), sloppy and fairly small slices of Buffalo State Pizza. Hey, at least the pizza was fresh.

Ran Smat Semi-edition was an excellent take on wny basketball. I enjoy the Section 6 atmosphere at buff state, canisius and jamestown if wasn't so far. It beats Section 5 set up at blue-cross arena, they just dont fill that place. Maybe during the cross over games!

you people are crazy lakawana only won by like nine points. if their schudle was so tough they would have beaten them by more. and again if bomasuto didnt get ripped off in erie county it would have been a different ball game. but thats how life rolls.

interesting question I am just wondering, besides the postgame interviews you conduct, have you had any interaction with any players this year? Like when you see other players at random games?


Great take on the pizza. Here's hoping that the pizza is ready for the marathon of games tomorrow. It was good to see you in Southern Tier country again tonight!

Dunkirk was an overrated team and Bomasuto is an overrated player who shouldn't even sniff the top 4 All WNY teams.

That is exactly correct, they were boosted by an extremely weak schedule and small schools. Put him in AA, he would struggle to be a 3rd option on solid teams.

I just read the smatterings and that was my fault for naming Cleve Hill - CHILL... I didnt realize until halfway through the game. Thought no one else noticed. Oops!!!!

CC, Did your random smatterings idea evolve from Keith's 'Regionals Tasty Menu' article last March?

No, but I obviously got the "Poll Ballots" from Keith's "How the News Voted".

Random Smatterings just kind of came to be. The first time I wrote it was because I had a bunch of random stuff that had built up in the notebook. Once I typed it out into a post, I tried to think of a name for it. When I bounced the name off my wife for her opinion, she said the name was perfect and that I should do one every week because that's the kind of thing people like to read. Whether or not she was right, it has been my favorite part of this blog.

Well, many have expressed that they like to read it, as do I, so I'd say she was right.

Thanks, Lucky13, I appreciate that.

Anyone know when the all star games are this year and when the teams are announced?

I heard they will be Sat. 3/26.

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