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Monday, January 09, 2012


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MIG showed us how he voted this week under the Random Smatterings Round 2 post, so I copied & pasted it here:


Canisius, Falls, Jamestown, Timon, Joe's, McKinley, H Tech, Riverside, K West, Clarence.

Small I would go Olean, Mary's, East, OTC Middle, Tonawanda, Depew, MST Seneca, Silver Creek, Panama, Dunkirk.....I don't think a 1 point road loss drops Mary's behind Depew, plus they played Joe's so tough at Joe's and Dwight Howard - I mean RA - on their team. And I mean, then there is that chicken parm Dan had in the media room so I would never put them 2 low. I mean that was SO good.

East may have the best 5 losses EVER and will still lose 2 Olean in B1 I think. Dunkirk edges out Newfane and Walsh cause of how close they played Olean.


MIG, you give St. Mary's and Easst credit for losing to St. Joe's and you give RA such a hard time. But without a roster in front of you you probably couldn't name two other players at Joe's. So what is it about Joe's that makes them good in your mind?

Joe's won 2 big games in Syracuse. Beat McKinley by 1 I think so that is why I have them 1 spot ahead of them. Beat East soundly who I think will b in the B1 final in March. Joe's and Timon u could almost say r tied.

2 other players on Joe's....hmmm I will go with Eric Eberz (I actually interviewed him when they lost in Albany in 1995 with Nova vs Old Dominion in 3 OT's - great game!) and I figure there r like 20 Spitler's out there so I'm guessing 2 or 3 of them r on Joe's. How is that?

I still think it was brilliant how Sal used his AAU connections 2 get Paige out of town despite the fact the rest of us wanted 2 c him play. I mean serioulsy great move by Sal. I will say this Jamestown CAN SHOOT! Not 1 player - ALL OF THEM! I could c them pulling off the upset March 3rd at 8:15 while I am eating Hot Dogs and drining Mountain Dew.

Isn't it a joke that alot of place don't serve Mountain Dew...it's like 'we have Sprite' well that's nice but Sprite SUCKS! S Mist is even worse.

PS - Nice that Andrew Webster called me ugly. 1 woman with a strong opinion and I get called ugly and short, yet Roger can continue 2 potentially eat himself 2 death but he gets a free pass.

Our polls are quite similar...I had Timon/J-town flipped, but not much between them. I still kept Riverside in there, but Clarence certainly deserving. Really only 11 teams that can make a rational case in the large poll.

I do agree with Depew ahead of Mary's, for now. I did not have Creek as high, but of course I have not seen them and you have. Again, with so many capable small school teams(I count about 18 or so), there can't be many gripes with most configurations. I assume the Newfane/Wilson game will be for a spot, probably 6/7 if the winner follows up with a win later in the week.

Waiting to read the comments on Lalka. Watched him play against EA in the West Seneca tourney and was very impressed. He will put it up from anywhere.

Stan Weir is currently #1 in WNY in average points per game 4 the 2011-2012 season. If that remains the case at the end of March he must be given the player of the year award. That to go along with the fact that a well-respected Division 1 coach has already given him a free ride next year. Regardless of how his team does in the playoffs end of story. And I agree Reggie should not even be allowed to win the award due to how he was recruited from overseas.

Let me guess...after Tuesday a couple 'Asian' big men will suddenly appear in Joe's uniforms next year? Give me a break. At least Kyle Husband doesn't go outside the USA for his players.

So since you lead WNY in ppg that automatically means you are POY in WNY? Weir will not win POY, and you can mark that down.

Hey CC you say winning by one at home puts Depew at #2? Are you insane? OTC, East, Mary's on a neutral court, Olean would all crush Depew. Ask the 4 teams that lost NFL games this weekend if home court is not an 'advantage'...you just throw out getting beat by Amherst? Beating Maryvale means something? Springville would beat Maryvale this year and they havne't won a league game in like ten years. Homefield matters, HS or NFL.

WT716 why did you change your name from 'Panthers'

Look in the movie Teen Wolf Scott's Dad punked the principal when they were kids and he tried to take it out on Scott. You must have been punked by Stan's Dad at some point in grade school and never got over it and now you are taking it out on Stan.

Stan has a State Fed A title to his name. Something St Joe's has never had and will never have. He is going division 1. That kid from Africa is getting 'interest' there is a difference. I agree with Reggie W, right now with the way he is scoring Stan is my player of the year.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

If Tomlin was at home, he still would have left 10 in the box all game and got shredded.

Should Timon be ranked ahead of Falls then? They only lost by three at Falls.

Homecourt does matter, but actual results from games played trump hypothetical neutral court crushings.

Are you insane? You have Clarence ranked and not Will East, who beat Clarence.

No because Falls is clearly better than Timon. There is a difference. Oh so Will East hasn't lost any games after they beat Clarence at home? Maybe check who they lost to.

I guess when we open the paper tomorrow and see Clarence is ranked and Will East isn't we will see if you are correct or not.

Wait? Are you talking about this poll? Because Will East is ranked 8 above clarence at 9. I do not understand what your talking about?

Ea should win games they have a div. 1 player and are playing in a weak div. The bottom line if Stan scores 60 pts and they lose he did not help his team to win. It's all about the win

I ranked Will East ahead of Clarence.

The first comment shows how MIG voted. He has Clarence at #10 and Will East unranked.

This despite Will East winning AT Clarence, and having not lost since.

The confusing part may be where he suggests that I should check who Will East has lost to since beating Clarence and also that Will East won that game at home.

To be clear: Will East beat Clarence at Clarence and has not lost since. I voted Will East ahead of Clarence.

Apparently opening the paper tomorrow will show me that I'm wrong?

So because your leading WNY in ppg, you won a state title your soph year (thanks to Regan and Canestro), and you're going D1 means you win POY your senior year? Right. I am not hating on Stan, just stating the obvious.

Roundman, if its all about the wins then that is great news for Weir. He has helped EA beat Springville, WS East, and Maryvale. So what if they lost to Tonawanda.

I agree poy needs to allow his team the chance to win not just by scoring but by rebounding,assists, steals, great defense,if he does those things the wins will come

If Stan is reallys scoring at that pace he should b the favorite. He is the only returning 2nd team player so he by all rights leads the field. As long as we use the same logic 4 RA we r using 4 Stan. If he can't lead his team 2 at LEAST the Manhattan Cup Final he should not b considered 4 Player of the year.

CC I think what Tomlin means is if Clarence is ranked in the paper tomorrow and W East isn't that it will look like u made the wrong call. I mean this blog is nice, but it's not the Buffalo News.

You're right, it not the BN, it's had considerably MORE coverage than the News during the past week.

As a real woman with a fairly impressive back ground in basketball, I grow disgusted with MIG and anything he posts (under his name or made up names and the opposite sex). His sole focus is to get people worked up and i think all his post should be taken with a huge grain of salt. One can't tell if he is being honest or just mean. His most recent posts picking on Hollywood and Roger are R-E-DIC-U-LIOUS . I think McShea should remove him from his group of pollsters as he is a loose cannon.

I don't see much upside with Wier. Good size, strong, decent outside touch, but very limited athleticism and not great off the bounce. MAC guards are quick and talented, will be tough for him to compete. He'll make first team All-Western, obviously, but POY will go to the best player on who's ever team's goes the furthest. Hopefully, anyway.

The "pace" Stan Wier is scoring at is 24 pts per game.

Thanks for clearing up what you think Mike Tomlin meant. That was how I took it anyway, and it still lacks any rational thought.

Even though Clarence lost at home to Will East twelve days ago, if the News poll has Clarence ahead (which they won't), I made the wrong call. Genius.

24 ppg isn't exactly burning the barn down.

Im reallyyyyy tempted to drive down to Kenmore this evening to see this Chinese team play St. Joe's.

Reggie is averaging 22 per game with alot more rebounds, blocks, and wins.

I think ra and Stan will not get their teams to the playoffs. Maybe we should discuss nf and canisius players as they will be there

I get a strong sense people consider this a lackluster/unexciting season because there isn't a clear cut top team or Player of the Year in early January.

I think that's crazy.

I enjoy this much more frankly, especially covering hoops. I love the fact there isn't a 2010 Nichols team that everyone knows is going to win, or a clear-cut Player of the Year already. TO me, that makes things much more interesting.

I'm a much-admitted MMA guy, and I absolutely love the fact that I don't know who's going to win the Manhattan Cup. Canisius deserves the be the favorite based on last year's championship and a talented returning roster. But to crown them now is insane.

If anyone thinks Timon is not capable of handling Canisius, you haven't watched a second of Timon hoops this season. They are 8 deep, have production from a big man (which they didnt have last year) and have 2-3 guys off the bench that score as well as most their starters. I watched the game tape vs Niagara Falls twice and Timon should've won that game. (Having said that I think the Falls has the better team )

St. JOe's is known for Reggie and yes, if you stop him you usually will stop that team, but that's a lot easier said than done. They do have a few underrated weapons at their disposal as well.

And I guarantee you St. Mary's pulls off at least one, if not more upsets against the "Big Three" this year.

As for POY--come on man, it's January 9 right now--these guys haven't even gotten to the meat of their schedules. There are at least 6-8 guys that can win that award.

First of all Roger - I mean 'southtowns Mom' I AM a woman. WHY is that so hard 2 believe? WHO do u all think I am? I DO NOT VOTE ON THE POLL. CC maybe u can clear that up. I have strong opinions, like 2 have a little fun. I have been called ugly and short but it doesn't bother me. And Hollywood? What r u talking about? He is a good guy. I guess if u want 2 'assume' all that is me that is fine. Yes it would b crazy 2 think any 1 but me would mess around here.

CC don't get so worked up. If Clarence isn't 10 I really don't care. Yes W East beat them by TWO - and yes at home - but they have 2 losses 1 of which came 2 W North who is horrible so far this year. Clarence only has 1 loss. Kinda of why nobody was discussing which '2 loss team' should play LSU 4 the title. I have more of an issue w Depew who is not EVEN CLOSE 2 being the 2nd best small school being at #2.

Stan right now would b my pick 4 Player of the year. Reggie is NOT a division 1 player, Stan is. He isn't big enough or strong enough 2 play the 4 at the D1 level (except 4 Parotta who may sign a 6-4 power forward...obviously he is gone after this year) clearly not quick enough 2 b a 3. Stan u can say Will and Ron carried him - whatever. I think those Nichols teams lost in 2008 and 2009 until he arrived. Stan at 24 a game leads WNY. Sorry CC I guess if it was 25 u would b impressed?

I just realized u don't even have Riverside RANKED AT ALL! Ok CC u may end up being right about W East but Riverside will b ranked 4 sure u can bank on that.

C u Thursday....! If u r still 'allowed' 2 associate w me.

Also Ben Drake 4 early coach of the year.

Wier's 24 ppg does not lead WNY.

Jesse Lalka, Aaron Frasier, & Ryan Whelpley are all scoring more. There are probably multiple others.

Who said I wasn't impressed with 24 ppg? I just wanted to put that number out there because you referred to him scoring at that pace, like it was some unheard of number.

Riverside dropped because they lost to East and its only wins to this point are Wilson, St. Francis, OP, & Lafayette. They might play their way onto my ballot, but for now, they haven't earned it. I don't think East would be a top 10 large school right now, and they just beat Riverside.

It does lead WNY. Did u just say there r 'probably multiple other'....ha! Stan is the man give him Player of the Year right now. Highest returning all WNY player. Just 4 his performance in the Fed in 2010 he should get it.

Keenan is averaging more than 24 ppg........

Hey Keenan....

There are a lot of others scoring at least that if not more. Dylan Meyer, Ryan Nord, Jake Reynolds, and Austin Alonge are four just from the Southern Tier.

MIG, I mean Dave, you are one funny "guy." Retirement must have you quite bored with all the stuff you try to stir up on this wonderful blog that CC does (which I don't think he really needs you to stir up things, although I'm sure you get him more comments). But we do agree on one thing.... gotta love the old mountain dew!

I won't get caught up in the player of the year conversation so if it is given Stan Wier or anyone else today, tomorrow or whenever I dont really care. I just love watching and teacing ball since my own eligibility has long since been used up. The only thing I will say is that anyone who says Reggie Agbeko is not a division 1 player is entitled to there opinion. However at this very moment he holds D1 offers from St. Bonaventure, Oklahoma, Penn State, LaSalle, Towson, Hofstra, Gonzaga, Houston, Siena, Vermont, Iona, Northeastern, St. Peters, Robert Morris, New Hampshire, Missouri St, Longwood, Long Island U, Sacred Heart, Rice, IPFW, Oregon St, Tenn-Chattanooga, Texas Southern, Wichita State, Winthrop, NJIT, Cleveland State, Rider, Long Beach State and New Mexico State.

Teams still interested but waiting on conclusion of season:
Auburn, Florida State, Colorado, ODU, Delaware, Clemson, UMass, JMU, Rhode Island, Vanderbilt, Georgia, Arizona St., USC, NC State, and Marquette.

So whether anyone in western new york thinks he is a D1 player or not there are currently 31 schools that await his decision in April. Recruiting process has been difficult due to the amount of calls from coaches he has to field on a daily basis and everything else but all in all if i had to make same decision as he, i would wait just as he is doing to let season end and he gets a chance to visit all the schools involved and get to know teammates, coaches and campus before making that decision on where he will be a student-athlete for the next 4 years. So i will leave the debate on what he is or isnt to the coaches and scouts that get paid to make the call. I sincerely doubt Western New York POY will influence where he plays next season.

Hey Division 1 won't he have trouble if he tries to 'visit all the school's involved' since you are suggesting basically one fifth of the 350 division 1 schools want him?

First of all Keith McShea I can't believe you had the biggest recruit in WNY History as a junior last year with interest from half the nation and couldn't even find a spot for him on 4th team. Shame on you.

Paul Harris, Johnny Flynn, Will Reagan never had almost every school in the country after them like Reggie.

Tajay Williams is currently being looked at by:

Duke, North Carolina, Syracuse, Kentucky, UCLA, Kansas, Indiana, Ohio State, Michigan. Once he has had a chance to visit all those schools it will be a tough choice for him.

Wait a minute - I typed it here so it must be true right?

um yeah right,
31/350 = less than 10 percent of all schools. which in turn means that Division 1 is implying 1 in 10 schools are interested. There are probably a bunch of schools that have made contact or sent a letter. Who knows what level of interest they have, but this is not unrealsitic.

Found a list of pollers for the Buff News for this year. All are coaches or officials except for the last 3 inboth polls. 2 of the 3 are Centercourt and Keith. Hmmmm!!!

LARGE SCHOOL POLLSTERS: Mark Simon (St. Joe's of the Monsignor Martin Association), Jim Palano (Bishop Timon-St. Jude/Monsignor Martin), Bob Rumschik (Orchard Park/ECIC I), Al Monaco (Williamsville South/ECIC II), Erik O'Bryan (Niagara-Wheatfield/Niagara Frontier League), Steve Allen (official), Benji Bluman (official), Chad Andrews (View From Centercourt blog), Dave Universal (New York State Sportswriters Association poll), Keith McShea (The Buffalo News).

SMALL SCHOOL POLLSTERS: Randall Rich (OTC Middle College of the Yale Cup), Dan Gill (St. Mary's/Monsignor Martin Association), Larry Jones (ECIC III/Depew), Tony Krupski (JFK/ECIC IV), Brett Sippel (Wilson/Niagara-Orleans), Derek Hill (official), Chad Andrews (View From Centercourt blog), Dave Universal (New York State Sportswriters Association poll), Keith McShea (The Buffalo News).

Say anything you want. I don't know what the recruiting picture is of Harris or Flynn was. Bottom line you build your following on AAU circuit, and elite camps, or prep circuit. Not to take anything away from high school season but coaches seldom pay attention to what happens during the high school season other than to see if numbers remain solid. There are other kids in wny that could get D1 schollies but have stayed in wny during the summer and don't play high level AAU. Bottom line you produce outside of wny and you get what you earn, but its only January, as I said before Reggie has to commit to someone come April. He has used 1 official visit and has 4 more. He has unlimited unofficials, so when he officially cuts that list down he will take unofficials to closer ones. BTW, the average number of offers of kids that do well in the settings I mentioned get over 20 offers. Just saying get out of here alittle. Also letters go out to most players, an offer is when coaching staff says we have an LOI for you to sign during signing period so we would like you to commit to us right now.

I think the reason Stan Wier has already committed to UB is because he jumped on the offer when it came. Considering he left Buffalo to play in Indiana last year tells me he thought the ceiling was much much higher. Then when things didn't go nearly as well as planned and the offer from UB was there, he took it and came home.

For what it's worth I think Div 1's post just above is very accurate.

My 2 cents again fwiw; All this talk about Reggie and Stan is ridiculous. They're both talented and having very good years. Who knows who will be poty. There are a lot of important games ahead. They could battle it our or someone could make a more compelling case for the honor. My advice just try and enjoy it for it flies by all too quickly.

Stan imo will do extremely well at UB. He has already demonstrated that he can compete with the best from dominating Archaf Yacoubou, 6'4" 2 or 3, last year's Mr. NY Basketball and now @ Villanova, @ the 2010 fed tourney, doing very well on the top-shelf AAU circuit and playing well last year in Indiana. So please stop being ignorant and give the kid his due.

Same for Reggie. Although I haven't seen him play much everything I read and hear is extremely positive. The kid is trying to do his best and is doing a darn good job. Wish him well and that he finds the right spot to pursue his education and basketball career. I'm not sure what UB's interest is, but they certainly need some bigs so if the opportunity arises I hope he considers the Bulls.

Go Bulls!

Good to see that RA has done it on the most important stage that counts and is the reason he has a bright future ahead of him. He is a work in progress. Will be interesting to see which school he ultimately decides on and where he will be as a player 4 years down the road. Excellent upside no matter what the "Haters" say.
Only Stan knows why he made the decision so early and could be that things were not working on the bigger stage. Either way he will be with his friends there at UB where he may be happiest.

Panthers, Stan didn't make his decision "so early." He made it the normal time frame, going into his senior year when the vast majority of D1 prospects commit. Reggie's situation is a whole lot different. He got a late start and didn't get the necessary exposure before summer last. Some decide in the late signing period, but relatively few. Reggie will be one of them.

Any idea what other offers came Wier's way? Perhaps his agent MIG could help us out with that. I only ask because he seems to be more than delighted to mislead readers into thinking Agbeko is an inferior player because Wier commited and he has yet to.

Imo, Wier's signing with UB is noteworthy because he gets to compete at a program on the rise, as well as having the opportunity to contribute from the gate, and even more special to compete at D1 level with a high school teammate that you have been in the trenches with and won. As far as Reggie A and UB, he never eliminated them. Reggie has only included programs that have actively recruited him (calling him regularly, visiting practices, games, etc). Only place he knows as home in the US is Buffalo, but program that has shown him the most love locally is St. Bonnies.

Good luck to Reggie wherever he goes. He could do much worse than Mark Schmidt and the Bonnies. Schmidt has done a great job in Olean restoring the program. But before he goes anywhere he has some unfinished business on Kenmore Ave. that Simon/Herlan will make sure he completes before moving on.

Did some research on Reggie and Stan. At least according to ESPN they are both 2*(out of 5) players with an 82 rating. Just another reason for the supporters of either player to get off the take him down so I can prop my guy up approach.

Agreed 100% Hoopster; This is a good thing for Western New York to have guys ranked and rated by ESPN and other recruiting sites, and competing. People should be in support of all these kids, be it Stan, Reggie, Sterling Taplin, Jermaine Crumpton, Adam Weir (Whom i really like), Sam Eckstrom, Taijay Williams, Jordan Williams, Kyle Kobis, JJ Wilkes, Ryan Whelpley, etc. that can potentially bring recruiters back into the area to see what kind of game others in the area might have. Lastly, Crumpton can help many D1 programs, he is only a junior whose game is still evolving and has played the role Niagara Falls has required him to play in order to win. Only those that don't know would say he can't play at that level, one doesnt have to be a greyhound, throughbred, banging machine. Teams have different needs and will recruit accordingly. Kid has a very nice looking midrange jumper, which one doesnt see to often right now, especially at the high school level.

Word from Kentucky is that Jaysean Paige has committed to play at WVU for coach Huggins.

Well said D1! Sounds like the Maruders pretty much had their way with the Chinese and Reggie had another good game.

Hoops, interesting report. Scoured the recruiting sites, rivals, scout and espn including a couple Mountaineer sites and saw no sign that JP is a commit. I suspect if JP is heading to Morgantown next year it will be as a walk on. I did, however, see a Kentucky based report that he's committed there. I'm sure scoop Moran will be on it and we'll get the low down before long.



view slideshow images 1&5

He's still wearin' red & black.

Finally got to witness RA play last night. Granted it was an exhibition, but the Chinese team was pretty good. They had some height and their PG was very impressive. Reggie started off slow but picked it up in the second half. Ended with 23 points and 19 rebounds. He reminds me of UB's Javon McCrea. Solid upper body with a long wing span, can dribble at the foul line crossing his opponents and has can make that 15 foot jumper. He still looks raw but he sure can play. I walked away impressed and can't wait until January 27th. Think this is the first Friday night Canisius Joes game since I was a senior at CHS in 2006.

St. Mary’s is going to upset one of the “Big Three” in MMA basketball this year, I can feel it. They damn-near pulled it off against Canisius last night, Adam Weir, who I’ve been contending is the best player on that Canisius team and a strong POY candidate (at least to me) really saved their behinds last night. I love the MMA being open this season, Canisius is top-dog but anything but unbeatable. Timon is more than capable of handling them as is St. Joe’s because if Reggie is on his game, Canisius has no answer and the Marauders have enough role players to pull off an upset. Most think this is a lackluster season because it lacks some star power, but I’m loving it right now.

He reminds me of God's Gift Achiuwa(ECC>St.John's)
CC, At the St.Mary's game last night one of their cheerleaders did a length of the floor (not just half) tumbling routine beautifully that left her dizzy at the end, however. She swayed, staggered and finally went down. She played to the crowd as she got up exaggerating her dizziness and waiving. I don't know if it was the same one that crashed into their bench at tha ECIC-MMA challenge but, if it is, she has no fear!

Ha! Thanks for that report.

Great reprint from espn.com of a passage in a hoops book, The Last Great Game. It talks about Christian Laettner, his background, type of per he is and his family's relationship with K among other things. Check it out! http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/7433262/how-christian-laettner-got-duke

Pat, Lucky or anyone else, would love to read a summary of the Mary's/Canisius game. Sounds like a real god one.

Here is a report - both Clarence and W North stink! That game was HORRIBLE 2 watch. If I was ever lucky enough 2 vote on the poll I would only vote 9 this week. What a down year! Taplin is still the best player on the floor but only really plays when he feels like it. I mean he refuses 2 play D. But he is a returning 3rd team player so he knows he will b on 1st team this year, and he should b, so maybe he is just laying low until Sectionals when all those 20 spots r picked.

Why is my good friend CC having 2 waste his time pulling posts from u clowns trying 2 get my real name? Even my real name isn't REAL! Ha! What is this Clark Kent-Superman? Why do u any of u care? There must b more important thing going on in your lives. Spend more time with your kids or wives?

Don't get any ideas anyway - even if u figure out who I am - I am not dating ANY of u. All the men on this blog r PIGS. Would never know who 2 treat a lady like myself.

From what I am told, Jaysean Paige has NOT committed to West Virgina, or any other school.

And while certainly not earth-shattering, I am going to have some other HS Hoops news that should at least be considered "noteworthy"-- though I want to get something confirmed this evening, then I'll post.

Still playing the I'm a woman card? Okay, it's still kind of funny, but why is it that as an advocate for woman being treated as equals are you so much more interested in the boy's game than the girls? C'mon man, excuse me, C'mon miss, why is it so clear that if you had to choose between going to a girl's game and or standing in front of a firing squad would you choose the firing squad? Figuratively speaking, of course.

I'm reporting that Timon head coach Jim Palano is retiring and ending his 39-year coaching career after this season.


Bob Huggins told me Paige has not commited to West Virginia.

NOw THAT is some quality reportingg! Scoopa dupa!

C-I-G is O-U-T!

Mr. Centercourt please tell us about the Aquinas Bishop Kearney game.

Sounded like a great game in Rochester. Big win for AQ. Is Bryant as good as advetised for BK. Seems to be based on last night and shutting down Reggie/St Joes over the weekend

Speaking of Bishop Kearney and Aquinas, I find it interesting that McShea rants about their state classifications, but then WNY includes St. Mary's in the Small school poll. I know this is not the prep talk blog, but many people on here have strong opinions about the State Classifications. What criteria do you use to decide which private schools are in which poll?


That's a different thing entirely. St. Mary's is in the Small School Poll because they're a Class B school statewide and the Small School Poll is for classes B, C, and D, while the Large School Poll is for classes AA and A. Plus, St. Mary's (unlike Bishop Kearney and Aquinas) does not compete in the NY State Sectional Playoffs, but rather the MMA (Monsignor Martin Association) playoffs, then the State Catholic playoffs if they make it that far (which they usually do).

Thanks for the clarification. Is it also possible for them to be an A for the state Catholic playoffs depending on how the do in the MMA playoffs. Kind of like Nichols, which I believe is B, but went as an A when they were really good. Are St. Joe's, Timon, and Canisius always considered A's. Nichols?

PJB, contrary to popular belief Bryant at BK did not shut Reggie down. Reggie was triple teamed all game with primary defensive assignment to English. Bryant helped with triple teams when needed. Reggie's main issue was early foul trouble and lack of continuity btw front and backcourts.

Bryant is the real deal though. As young as he is he will continue to grow which means we still have not even seen how good he could be potentially. Exciting to watch play the game. But let's see how he continues to perform.


Thanks for the clarification, I was not able to see the game and had yet to speak with anyone who had.


I believe you are correct with your assumptions. My understanding (and I'm no expert) is that if St. Mary's were to win the MMA playoffs they would be the A rep, and whichever one of the remaining B schools (Walsh, Nichols, Niagara Catholic, and O'hara I believe) would be the B rep. Also, I do believe that the big three of Canisius, St. Joe's, and Timon, as well as St. Francis are always A.

Andrew is correct on all counts.

Also, as was the case with Nichols during the 2007-2008 season, if the "powers that be" decide St. Mary's or any other small school was so good it warranted a bump, they would be reclassified as a an A rather than a B.

There was a lot of discussion and debate on this topic on Prep Talk back in January 2008, when Nichols was moved to Class A and Timon was dropped to Class B. I believe a week after that happened, Timon beat Nichols.

I don't think Timon was ever dropped to a B.

Timon represented the MMA one year as the B rep. Timon and Coach Palano received some flak because of it.

so when Nichols was good they were in the large poll, but now they would be in the small poll?? whatever is convenient i guess. St. mary's and all your private schools can draw from anywhere so they should be in the large poll, right?? hipocritical. That would solve your dilema of having too many good small schools to choose from. Put them where they belong, not whre they get the most recognition that year.

I know I have said it as have others - the decision as to what STATE classification each private(those that play in the Catholic playoffs) school receives is decided downstate, that is in the NY area, and not made here. It is those distinctions that are used for the News polls.

Do Patrick or any others have any info on how the class of 2011 is doing at the college level so far this year?

Gordon Lyons from CHS is at Geneseo, averaging 14.5 mpg and 4 ppg. Aaron Nevins is at Utica from CHS has started all 12 games and averages 8 ppg. He has also been named Empire 8 rookie of the week 2 times.

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