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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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As has already been alluded to, the concession stand situation at Buffalo State is maddening. I would advise everyone to eat before they come and bring a snack.

At 5:20 pm, no pizza was ready. I asked when the first game started, they said 5 pm (It was 5:30). Nice planning.

Gatorade - $2.16 and three minutes for them to count back your change, which then falls out of your pocket when you get back to your seat after missing several minutes of the game.

I asked for a slice - $6.80 she said, to which I declined and swore off concessions for the rest of the week and my life at that place. Don't worry though, they now sell milk, a staple of sporting events across America.

Nothing will ever top the year I was told I couldn't buy a slice of pizza until all the hot dogs were gone, but at this point, I'd gladly unload all the change in my pocket (or now on the floor) that piled up last night to get slices back.

Tonight, Mister Pizza will be delivering to the front row at Buffalo State.

The "Hey centercourt, save me a seat" list for tonight includes MIG, Keith McShea, hoopster, Bulls fan, and his wife.

I have a gut feeling that tonight we are in for a treat in the A2 battle between East Aurora and Riverside. During the last 20 minutes of my drive home last night, I had this premonition that Stan Wier was going to have one of those signature moments tonight. It will be the biggest stage of the season for Wier, and I don't think he'll disappoint. I would urge any high school basketball fan to be in attendance for that one tonight.


You think Hart gets POY if CHS wins?

BTW St. Mary's isn't gonna be an easy win for CHS. They aren't a fluke they can play soem ball.

I think Canisius winning is far from the only factor in the POY race. Still lots of basketball left. Having a Mr. Basketball finalist in WNY is something to consider. Tonight's A2 game could be a factor. Don't rule out a candidate in AA. Lots of basketball remains.

If EA wins gotta think Stan is the guy

Great win for the Lakemen last night! A tremendous team win. Very physical game on both sides of the ball. Lakemen seemed to adapt to the officiating better than CH did. They played more disciplined than the young, talented CH team. That goes for the coaching as well (technical). CH fans would tell you that the officials called too many fouls against their team. Wilson fans will tell you they didn't call enough. Martin was grabbed and 'bumped' numerous times without a call, but they continued to play and controlled what they could control. Great effort by both squads.

City Honors will be a force for the next few years. Hopefully Wilson will win their first sectional title on Saturday.

Ha...the Wilson fans wanted a foul called on Honors every time a Wilson's player jersey was rustled.

Honors stopped moving the ball in the fourth quarter...they had begun to have washington bring it up the floor and Carter playing off the ball, which resulted in extending their lead, but for some reason largely abandoned that strategy late. They also failed to use a single timeout late in the game...how you do not call one when your team is continually down a single possession in the waning minutes, especially after playing so ragged the entire quarter, is beyond me.

Sippel did not have to do much to out coach Honors in this one.

Honors will not be good for years to come, their 2 best players are leaving one to graduation and the other transferring,couple that with what transferred out prior to this season. They could have been dominant had they kept everyone(coaching matters)

Is Washington to Nichols a done deal? I had heard its not and that one or both of the current transfers may be looking to head back.

Washington just waiting on final word,just a formality, nobody is leaving Nichols to go back

I also think it's great that Jim is so open about bringing guys 2 Nichols instead of trying 2 hide from it. Good 4 him! Washington should go 2 Nichols so should Taplin. Taplin w Washington and those 2 big Freshman? All the A catholic schools will b down next year so Nichols could win that B berth next year. City Honors DESERVES 2 lose that kid just 4 not calling a timeout during a 13-0 run that lasted an entire quarter!

Also I AM DONE w the stands at Buff State. Went 2 get waters and soda 4 the guys and I saw 3 groups of people ahead of me. I was like 'cool' over TEN minutes later I had the honor of paying 5.68

Guys I am not a genius by any means. But MAYBE just MAYBE use BOTH CASH REGISTERS during this week of games? I mean I gave up something 4 Lent they did a Seinfeld episode on so my frustraion level is already hi but add that concession stand 2 it and a Kramer 'I am out!' is certainly on the way!

Heard a rumor last night at the Joes game that Cam Lewis of Nichols is transferring to Joes.

washington headed to Canisius,Mackinnon experiment not working

All this transfer talk is a joke. Kids should not be allowed to switch schools just because of basketball. If they do they should be required to sit out as least part of the season. A kid could switch private schools every year going to the best team. This isn't free agency, this is HS basketball.

Rumors and gossip belong in the tabloids not CC's blog. I wonder though if losing mentality has a comment for this to set things straight.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of these rumors are true...not a good year for the "Nichols Tradition"...

CC, just read your review from monday. I believe this is Depew's 5th trip in 6 years. I could be wrong, i just remember that 07 game. They beat Lafayette in the semis in 07 in one of the best games ever @ Buff St. and then lost to Maryvale in the final. they may have beaten Maryvale the following year in the finals. Olean seems to be there every year. not sure what their run is upto.

Dark TML - you are right on. Alhtough, everyone knows that the privates encourage it and even if the grades are not up to par the athletes are allowed in and have tuition covered. That is why have to laugh when the MMA gets all the pub and are better teams then most of the publics. Recruting. Pity the poor sap who is a great student but not an athlete. You are right. Make them sit out a year. Then they may make a wiser decision where to go from the outset. It is starting to get ridiculous.

Thanks for that, you are correct about 2007. I fixed it above.

Depew's title games since 2007:

2007 - lost to Maryvale in A2 final
2008 - lost to East in A2 final
2009 - beat Maryvale in A2 final
2010 - lost to Olean in B1 final

2012 - vs. Olean for B1 final

Didn't know Depew has such a streak. Very, very impressive. Have to go see them. Hope they pull it off.

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