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Thursday, February 02, 2012


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CC, did #5 Anderson for Kearney look like he was getting around ok? When he hurt himself at Timon just last Friday, it looked pretty bad...and Obokoh, did he look 100% or struggling?

Bullsfan didn't mention that part at the UB game last night. Classic stuff.

and Wilson can take a 3 game lead in the Niagara/Orleans league with a win @ Newfane tonight. Won't be easy!

Go Lakemen!

Both appeared to be getting around just fine. The biggest factor in BK losing last night was Aquinas being better and tougher.

In the first meeting between the two, English & Foster were a major part of the game for BK. Last night, both were quiet.

I can't say enough about the combination of Valenti & White for AQ - what a tandem to have. Joe's definitely had the right game plan for them (stopping those two) in their meeting two weeks ago.

Watching BK last night made me wonder what the Class A regional will be like this year. I just don't see anyone from Sec VI matching up with that team at full strength.

When things were getting chippy and out of hand last night, there were some very inappropriate things being yelled from the crowd. I was sitting near AQ head coach Mike Grosodonia, who had a great prespective on things and basically said, Wow, it's just a game...it's high school sports, just a game.

Looking ahead, and assuming everything plays out the way I would forecast it to, the Section V AA crossover game should be East vs. Aquinas. That would be a phenomenal matchup.

TML - I know crazy stuff right? hoopster said his cell phone was his camera.

** There, some random smatterings within Random Smatterings.

This debate over Mark Simon and Jim Palano is ridiculous. Mark is clearly the better coach and if there was a coach of the year award this year it would go to him for sure. Jim deserved no statue or whatever he got on our home floor. Mark has more league titles, Manhattan Cup titles, etc. Jim is an average coach and mediocre coaching should not be rewarded. Put Jack Herlan in charge of Timon and they might lost a game this year. Where are all the Canisius fans now? I hear silence!

So again enough with the Simon-Palano debate there is no contest. Jim will never be in the class of his Father.

Lakemen Fan -

I mentioned the potential for Amherst to take a two-game lead in ECIC III because it would be a big deal for a team that I heard no one predicting would win the league back in November.

Wilson being where they are is not quite as surprising. Now if they compete for the league next year, THAT would surprise me. Lakemen will be hit hard with player turnover after this year.

Enjoy the game at Newfane tonight, because I think the rivalry will take a competitive dip for at least a year after this one. The good news is they'll be back again, the quality programs never stay down long.

Also, I read on the Prep Talk chat last night where City Honors (Class B2 along with Wilson) is feeling pretty good about themselves lately. One comment alluded to them playing Olean, which would have them winning B2...which has them looking past Wilson already.

How soon does the gym get packed? Not sure if I can get out there in time from Tonawanda.

Thanks for the explanation. I don't get out of the N-O too much. Next year will be a surprise if Wilson contends. City Honors is a solid team, but they do an awful lot of talking. They never seem to meet expectations.

TML - N-O league moved their JV start time up (except Albion) to 5:00 and varsity starts shortly after. I would plan on arriving no later than 5:30 to secure a seat.

Enjoy the games.

Hm...should be able to make it if I leave right from work...still haven't made up my mind. I've always wanted to catch one of those rivalry games and this seems to be the time to do it.

Do it and check your email first.

After the "McKinley recorded 37 steals" portion of your smatterings, you should've followed it up with the "Macks missed about 97 shots from the floor and foul line".

In all seriousness, I don't know what to make of that team. They are so incredibly athletic-- they are a team of better athletes than basketball players. They cause hell on defense for 32 minutes and have the legs, and depth to run with anyone in WNY. They could definitely win SEction VI at Buffalo State next month.

They can also lose in the quarterfinals because they flat-out do not shoot the ball well. They have 1-2 kids who I keep hearing are good shooters but would only be the 4th or 5th best shooters on most good teams I've seen this year.

I'm not mocking the Macks. This team is unbelievably good defensively and will never get blown out because of that alone. I just think coach Dorsey ( who is a real leader and does a fantastic job) needs to find a way to get a much better half court offense going or they will run into trouble when it matters.

Enough with the comparisons between Simon and Palano. Nothing against Timon basketball, they do very very well for a school that does not come close to the size of a Joes or a Canisius. Palano has been a part of Timon athletics for 39 years, and look what he has done with that program. You put Palano at Canisius or Joes and he wins multiple MMA championships. Palano is a class act and as a CHS alum, I hope Kyle Husband and the people at CHS do something similar to what Joes did.

Pat, McKinley will be a tough out, I don't think there are a lot of teams that will consistently be able to get the ball over half court much less be able to get into their offense and generate good scoring chances. in the St joes game at the Pastor, McKinley would have been up 20 in the first half if they made their layups. To beat them someone will have to have a variety of competent ball handlers and some big guys who can take advantage at the other end of the press. i'm not sure there a lot of teams outside the MMA, Olean, NF, James that fit that description in WNY.

I agree and think that unless Riverside wins A2 and puts it all together in the crossover, the Macks should be playing in the regionals in March. However, BK has all the qualities you mentioned as neccessary to beat McKinley...and then some. I credit much of the Macks success this year, as Pat did, to coaching. Dorsey has absolutely put his mark on that team since taking over for Daye.

I wasn't really criticizing McKinley, I was attempting to analyze them. They can absolutely win Sectionals at Buffalo State. Hell,their defense is so absurd they can shoot under 30% from the floor and still have a chance to win.

If anyone's interested in reading my write-up from the Canisius vs Timon game tonight here it is.


BTW, I think this weekend may be time for my annual scathing Timon column. After they got up 10-0 and 21-11 in this game, this was about as pathetic as I've seen them play in 2 years. I'm sorry, but my opinion is this too talented a team to be 0-7 against Joe's and Canisius over the past 2 years. Worst part is they barely even look like a team sometimes.

These kids are too talented to put forth the kind of performance and at times--effort I saw tonight.

Come on Centercourt! Where's the writeup of last nights big Newfane win? Don't be a slacker!

Phoenix - Here it is:

Newfane won 45-42. Newfane played extremely physical defense and the Lakemen did not have an answer. Newfane played an all around good game. I didn't see a lot of great play on either offensive end, but that is because of the tenacity of the defense. Particularly, Sears and Seefeldt. Weber hit a couple difficult short corner jumpers and Newfane dominated the boards in the second half. In my opinion, that was the difference in the game. Newfane also contained Martin exceptionally well. The game wasn't an offensive juggernaut, but it was a hard fought game on both sides.

Congratulations to the Newfane players, Coach Klump and their fans.

That's very classy Lakemen fan.

I have to apologize for information in this smatterings that is MY fault, not CC's. I incorrectly told him Kobis (Timon) reached 1,000 points for this career. There was a scoring error in tabulating his points, and he's not at 1,000 yet (he'll be there soon)

That's 100% my bad for giving him the wrong info.

Ryan Schneggenburger (JV Manager at Williamsville North) swished a half-court shot at halftime of the UB basketball game on Wednesday.

Was at that game, personally did not think he was going to make it

I don't think Jack Herlan gets enough credit for what is happening w St Joe's. Mark Simon gets too much credit. Jack has put new life into the JV progam and is a huge part of why they are headed to Glens Falls to win a Federation title. With Reggie in the middle, they will not be stopped. Jack however is a great tactian and I feel just doesn't get enough credit for his all around greatness. Best assistant coach in WNY for sure, and an even better person. Lowsy bowler.

^ They still gotta get past CHS and/or Timon to win the Manhattan Cup.

I think the whole coaching staff deserves credit, even with the best player in WNY everyone wrote Joe's off. But they have developed the heck out their players(specifically Oliveri and Glover) and built an overall very strong team around Reggie, even after losing Chad and Dzewitz.

We definitely have the best 1-2 coaching staff. Jack would be the second best coach in the MMA if he was coaching at one of the other schools. I'm not worried about Timon or Canisius. I saw their game. Timon wasn't good at all. Canisius was just a little better. And if Reggie isn't POY then something is definitely wrong. He's is head and shoulders better than anyone else.

^ Well Timon took us to OT and CHS is still a very talented team. Either team is very capable of winning in th eplayoffs

As a Joe's supporter, I am confident that we can handle either team, however we must continue to play at a high level. Any of these three are capable of winning the cup. At this point until they all play round two of as the MMA turns Joe's is the favorite. They could all easily be 1-1 against each other at the end of the regular season.

Not a good idea imo for St. Joes players or supporters to be talking about federation tournament when team has not completed second leg of Big 3 action or Manhattan Cup. You win them one at a time so only talk should be about Timon coming up on thursday. Just play the game and let rest fall where it may.

^ Absolutely agree

Me too. One game at a time all the way to a federation title!

I will not disrespect the success tht Mark and Jack have had at $t. Joe'$. However you should be successful when you get quality players to come to your school.

Ditto to Dark TML Although, the word is "recruit" not "get".

you both sound like idiots! don't you guys have anything to offer to the conversation besides

whaaa!!! catholics recruit whaaaa???

seriously, that is such tired, whiney, unoriginal material that centercourt should just block you clowns from leaving comments. clever with the $ for s too. where do you come up with such witty things?

Agree with Dark TML - easy to coach the best players - harder to coach players you are given - due to district limitations.

If it's so easy to coach the best players then why do so many criticize the way in which it is done?

And the catholic schools don't play in the sectional tournament in Section 6 like they do in Section 5 so why complain about the recruiting? I'm more of a public school fan but come on, recruiting isn't going to stop and it's not like St. Joe's is going to beat down your public school at Buff State so what does it matter?

Dumb and Dumber. I am not complaining that the Catholic schools recruit. They are well within their rights to do so. My cousin was recruited to play hockey at both Nichols and St. Francis. I would just like the coaches to stop saying that they don't. If I was a parent and my son or daughter was a good athlete and I lived in the City of Buffalo I would jump at the chance for them to go to Joe's or Canisius. It opens up academic opportunities that them may not have at BCS.

Every student that attends a private/Catholic school is "recruited", athlete or not. This is how these schools survive, they need to attract students to stay afloat.

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