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Thursday, March 01, 2012


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I was surprised to hear Husband guarantee a 3peat next year but hey they got to be favorites again right?

Good to hear Coach Jim was talking to Sterling after the game tonight about coming to our school next year. If we do get Taplin to play with our 2 returning freshman big guys along iwth Washington from City Honors who has already met with us a couple times we will be the St Mary's of next year you can bank on that. Taplin is just what we need to complete the puzzel.

Its awesome we have a coach that will go all out to get us the players we need to win this thing.

Taplin is not going to Nichols

I saw the Nichols Freshmen. They are not that good. Let alone good enough to beat Canisius next year.

Not nearly good enough. Even if they still had Waters they'd be nothing close to CHS next year

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