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Sunday, January 13, 2013


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Definitely disappointed that Glover and Morris missed most of the game after the injury. Hope both players do not miss significant time. Can't wait for round 2.

Mr. Pizza is a greasy terrible mess of a so called pizza....

Franco's now that's a pie ;)

Not Mr. Pizza, Mister Pizza. It's a Buffalo thing. Only two locations and both are a long way from Jamestown.

Franco's? I think I'd rather eat Tony's.

I'll take Francos over mister pizza.

Both kids are fine and will not miss much time, if any, as long as they are ok tomorrow.

Falls vs Jamestown is the greatest rivilary in WNY basketball not Canisius Joe's. Canisius will beat them all 3 times by 8-10 points.

I just want 2 know if CC and me r going 2 c the Class D Final early - tomorrow at Clymer vs Sherman!

Trust me I know Mister Pizza on Bird and Elmwood,and I'd rather eat Pizza Hut then that place.

I'll foot the Franco's at the NF v. Jtown Sectional Final game... sorry Will North.

I never should have doubted WNYHOOPS. Always been a fan and will continue to be.

You can bring me some Franco's during the AA final. I shouldn't be too hard to find.

MR WNYHOOPS, ...and if we ARE in the final, I would like a slice of Franco's delivered to the bench please.

Coach, would you like that pie delivered between quarters or at the half?

It is amazing to me the lack of commentary on the blog about this game. A couple years ago there would have been a lot of trash talking, predictions and recapitulations of the game. Disappointing to see so little activity on the game from hoop fans.

I made the game. Unfortunately once again I had high expectations for a great game and it just didn't deliver. Certainly a very good win for Canisius. The next game should tell us more if everyone is healthy. If I was Joes fan I'd argue that the game would have been close till the end but for the injuries. I had the feeling though, despite the quality start by Joes, that it was only a matter of time before the Crusaders asserted themselves. They certainly seem to have more talent at every position on the floor.

It was good to see Washington get some significant PT. If I could offer him a tad bit of advice, I'd suggest spending a lot of time working on his left hand. He'll need the versatility of being able to go either way off the bounce if he wants to be the best he can be.

A nice move by the schools to move the game to CC. The only problem, they ran out of water well before the start of the varsity game. They'll have to do a better job with the concessions next time if only to make a lot more dough. And what Catholic institution isn't looking to do that?!

CC - is there anyplace I can view the current standings for teams. BN has not been updated in weeks.


If there's a specific team or a couple you are interested in, I can help you with that, but I don't know where you'd find standings.

Standings will only matter as they relate to seeding points and a lot will change with how they would currently look now and the end of the regular season.

If the standings mattered more to me, I might put in the extensive work to provide them and keep them updated. But to me, it becomes fairly clear which teams will be in the race for league titles and which teams have a legitimate shot at making any noise within its class during sectionals.

Max Preps is actually my number one resource when trying to figure out a team's record. People always say you can't rely on Max Preps, and that's true for statistics. But for records, as long as you check to make sure all games are reported and none are duplicates, Max Preps is where I turn. But you have to do it one team at a time.

section6boysbball.com if the coaches update

always count me in on any given game i may be attending to give you a recap and believe it or not i did very well in my journalism in school....only proplem is it was many moons ago!!anyway you had to take 2/4 so jour/lit...it was and looking back im glad....i know how to pear down the game to an update or give you the highlights and let you post as i dont want to post games im at due to security cleareances!!!and it also look like you need to find a local food place for fans to go after the games in away games for teams parents.have a great day and will see you on here or watching you tweet!take care.

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