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Monday, February 18, 2013


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Class A-1

- Sweet Home over Hutch Tech in the semi's. Although this matchup intrigues me as an upset alert game.
- McKinley over Williamsville South in the semi's.
- Mckinley over Sweet Home in the finals

Class A-2

- Amherst over South Park in the semi's.
- Lew-Port over Iroquois in the semi's.
- Amherst over Lew-Port in the finals.
I think Amherst has the easiest road to a sectional championship than any team in Section VI. Class A is pretty weak this year IMO.

Class A Crossover

I'm going to go with McKinley over Amherst.

Again I'm going with statechamps, nearing the 10 year anniversary of his state championship. Def Mckinley over sweethome. Agree with Amherst, but gonna go with cheektowaga to pull couple upsets to get to final. And James daye's macks.....I mean Mckinley hs wins the crossover


They are the least deserving three seed in the history of the sectional tournament.

A2 is a TOTAL JOKE. They shouldn't even make Amherst play any games. A1 is almost as bad. If CC had any real pull McKinley-Amherst would play an NBA like best of 7 and all those other teams could just stay home. Let them play in a 'Bowl' game or something.

I agree, but Iroquois could give them a run if they don't falter 1st. They have a good lefty in Wilkinson and some decent role players. Where is Milt when you need him?

I'm right here yale cup....jeez it took alot out of me running for the presidency of the U.S.

Ken East
Sweet Home, Hutch Tech, McKinley, Will South
Sweet Home, McKinley

Amherst, South Park, Iroquois, Lew-Port
Amherst, Iroquois


SH, HT, McKin, WS
McKin, HT


Amherst, LS, Pioneer, Iroquois
Amherst, Iroquois

A1: Sweethome over who cares
Hutch Tech over Hamburg
South over East
Macks over GI

SH over Hutch tech
Habeeb over Coppola

Mckinley 81 Sweethome 67

A2: Amherst over Riv
S.Park over Lakeshore
LewPort over pioneer
Cheek over Iroquois

Amherst over SP
LP over cheek

Amherst 59 LP 47

Hutch tech over Sweet Home
Mckinley over South

Amherst over Lake shore
Iroquois over Pioneer
Amherst beating Iroquios by 20 in the final

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