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Sunday, March 24, 2013


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Here are my ALL-TIME BEST TEAMS From WNY since I have been watching starting in 1984:

1) NIAGARA FALLS 2005. 2) 1984 SWEET HOME. 3) 2010 NICHOLS. 4) 1988 LASALLE. 5) 1995 LASALLE. 6) 2001 TIMON. 7) 1996 TRADITIONAL. 8) 2001 TRADITIONAL. 9) 1987 BENNETT 10) 1984 BENETT. 11) 1992 ST JOE'S 12) 2002 NIAGARA FALLS. HON MENTION: 2011 JAMESTOWN. Most exciting team to watch: 1988 BURGARD

Have not been watching as long as Full court... But since around 88 i have been watching.
1. NFHS 05
2. LaSalle 88
3. Nichols 88(no way that 2010 was better than these guys or LaSalle 88
4.LaSalle 95
5.Traditional 96

Don't agree with you on NICHOLS; I don't think they even made it out of BUFFALO in 88 as TURNER-CARROL won FEDS that year. The best LAETTNER ERA teams at NICHOLS were probably 85 and 86 with the TORGALSKIS. The 2010 team deserves props for winning FEDS over 2 powerhouses ( JD and Long Island Lutheran). I also should mention that 99 TURNER CARROL belongs on my list as they won FEDS and shredded the NYC REP by 40 in the SEMIS.

Agree with turner Carrol 100 percent ..Also from my view the , competition was way better back then ..Their were a few guys on nichols that wouldnt start on some of these teams...you may be right about Nichols ..i remember Lasalle beating Laettners teams , but I think you are correct the Torgalskis may have been gone.

Turner/Carroll won in 1988. Kevin McCarley and James Hollis led the team!

PAL/ACE info. tryouts will be 5pm on April 16th for the fr/so. game and 6:30 on the 16th for the jr/sr game. The games will be played at 6pm and 7:15 on April 18th. Games and Tryouts will be held at Niagara Falls HS. Any frosh or soph trying out MUST of played varsity this past season. any questions contact me at 228-7916

Traditional won states in 1999, 2000 and 2001. They also won the Federation in 2001.

The Turner Carrol team that had Leonard Stokes as a senior and Julius Page as a Junior is my pick for second best team of all time. Heard the '84 sweethome team was great, but a little b4 my time. The Nichols 2010 team was great, rolling over teams in the fed, and Wil Reagan and Stan Weir were significant D1 recruits both ending up at UB, after Will had a year at Virginia. But Stokes went to Cincinnati and played overseas, and Page ended up at Pitt. I think Karon Barnes played d1, and big man Habeeb was a Bona recruit for a while. Clearly the 2005 Falls team was the best, with an NBA lottery pick, nba d-league player, and at least 7 d1 players on the roster, along with a Super Bowl champion. Paul Harris also did a great job coaching that team.

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