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Wednesday, April 03, 2013


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I see EAST HIGH got over looked for the season they had ... I see the white schools got there votes ... east is returning there whole team next year so it's okay there gonna beat every team bye atleats 15 even olean , and somehow plz schedule east to play vs whatever school taplin play for so johnathon lewis can prove how much better he is than Taplin...

@Neil Lewis - How do you know Lewis is better than Taplin if you don't even know what team Taplin is on? Rather than blindly supporting someone, why don't you check out some other teams first?

Taplin is on a different level than Lewis, sorry Neil.

I watched taplin play before he was in high school I watched him play against lewis in a Aau game last summer and lewis out played him .... And I was being funny about whatever team he played for bcuz his team isn't good .. You guys just have your fav and that's that lewis numbers was just as good as taplins he played tougher teams and he's undersized ... But like ppl been saying for years yall look at certain schools before any ... Next year you guys will be looking dumb when east rips threw western ny and johnathon is making every other guard look like trash

The teams to beat next year Olean (Eckstrum Hennessy Schmidt Bathurst) Clarence(Jost Funk Schmitt) and East(Lewis Tyson Bryant) they all comin bacc. The Will North Taplins aint on the same level. But Taplin clearly the best player in WNY no doubt. Jamestown with Kellam if he stays up there to play.

Let taplin play vs schools like east or McKinley that's use too players that does the thing he capable of and you'll see what I'm talking bout ... I can imagine what east would so too his team and your as good as your team is ... if his team isn't any good then he shouldn't be talked about as much as he is ... Lewis 200 points from his 1000 he will be making a lot of headlines next year and you will see who the best all around guard in western ny is ... Not to mention he's dunking now so beware

I can not wait til next season .... Don't say I told you so

Taplin be 200 points away from 2000 points. What ya'll east boys now about that. He gettin mad looks from Major d1's

Actually he's close too 600 point away with an extra season more than any other high school kid cuz that team he plays for his that horrible ...

And east knows about winning what does taplin know about that ?

And the numbers I'm seeing bye most seniors lewis did the same in his junior year .... Next season plz come quick lol

And also got his team further than a lot of players on the list

WillNorth beat Jamestown and Clarence this year. Don't remenber East having better wins than those. I think Lewis is good but c'mon with the comparisons to Tap.

Well I just think if lewis numbers is just as good , team was better and got further he should atleats be on one of teams not hm

How can Kellum keep tranfering back and forth from The Rochester school to Jamestown? He plays football in Rochester then basketball in Jamestown. He should not be allowed to do that again next year. Some one is twisting the States rules. I also heard he lives with the coach to be able to attend Jamestown.


@hoopster- I did not know the kellem played football in Rochester??!! and then came to Jtown for baksetball. That is crazy and should be completly illegal. What school did he go to in Rochester?

I heard that Kellem is moving to rochester for good and wont be in jtown next year

agreed!!! no D, basket hanger


Hard to believe that SJCI didn't rate a player on the top five while McK who they beat on Mck home floor placed four. Glover and Morris were the second or third best backcourt in WNY. Beat Aquinas, Timon and St Marys

I hear you and I think that stance is fair. Here was my line of thinking:

First, St. Joe's was as much of an elite WNY team without a stand alone star as I can think of. You pointed to its back court. Many regarded Louie Oliveri as the team's best player. Dylan Hall and Mark Cerza were the most effective players in multiple games for Joe's this year. I had a harder time leaving Hall & Cerza off HM than not picking one or two of the other three as better than the others.

As has been the case the past two seasons, St. Joe's played its best ball before the most crucial part of the year. While they bowed out in the semifinal round of the Manhattan Cup playoffs, the Macks took the opposite route, peaking at season's end, and winning it all (and attaining a historical accomplishment by winning in Class A).

The Marauders did beat Aquinas the first time around, but dropped the second meeting in Rochester by seven. McKinley advanced to states with a 27-point win against Aquinas in Rochester and like Joe's, also beat Timon.

Ultimately, I felt that given the well-rounded talent at Joe's this season (I didn't even mention Maher and Hollins), one or two top 25 players along with the rest of the depth, would've resulted in greater team success.

Here is your problem when making these list, what do you go by. Do you go by just stats or do you factor in other things like how well the team did. This List factor's in the team the kid plays on and that makes all the difference! Adam Weir did not have the best stats, but played on the best team. There is a kid on the fifth team that had better stats but didn't play on as good a team. They also factor in things like leadership as an example. There again it's easy to be a leader on a good team vs. a bad one. So in summing things up to be fair you should go by stats but then that wouldn't be fair either. So the debate goes on isn't life GRAND!

Adam Weir is playing DI college ball at Canisius next season. If any of the guys on 5th team had that same prospect for next year, I doubt they would be on 5th team.

How can Jamestown use a transfer in to play hoops then he transfers back to Rochester - is it a legal sectional title? Did he move residence or just move in with the coach? Now what happens when he goes back to Rochester?

What debate goes on? Weir outscored every player on fifth team and if he faced the competition those guys did, could have scored way more. No person in their right mind is making a case for any of the guys on 5th team being in the class of Adam Weir so there is no debate. By your logic we have Mitchell from SP as POY with Carson, wilkinson, and Anderson all on 1st team. A computer could just pick your teams. Im sure theres some kids playing in class d who scored over 22 a game that we could plug in to the 1st team aswell. And how is it easy to be a leader on a good team? A good team is full of leaders...thats what makes them good. Being the leader of leaders is rare.


Do you know anything about the Kellem issue?


If you have any brains at all you'll hire "From the North" as a personal assistant/advisor. He's obviously the subject matter expert on all things fair/unfair when it comes to deciding who makes these teams. There's an obvious bias involved with "From the North" and one of the players on 5th team. My guess, is a dad(usually the case) but I may be mistaken. I do commend and even slightly respect him for trying to make a case for the unnamed player but he comes across as whiny and illogical. I'm sure whoever the player is would greatly appreciate the Lebron James references to cease. It's not like it would be embarrassing or anything to have your dad or relative comparing you to Lebron James. Isn't Lebron pretty good? We'd have to ask "From the North" but I'd easily vote for him to make the 3rd team on this list. If Lebron wasn't on such a good team that made it so easy to be a leader I bet even "From the North" would have to put him on 2nd team. Heck, with enough ultra-biased whining/crying from homers he might even qualify for 1st team.

FYI "From the North", there is no debate. You made it up. It's not real. Sorry you can't quantify how the unnamed 5th teamer isn't the POY. Everyone else understands the concepts involved in choosing these teams. You missed the boat.

Keep up the good work CC. The time/energy you invest into scouting these kids is unparreled. That in turn, makes you the subject matter expert.


As an on looker I would agree that the joe's backcourt was overall one of the best three in WNY.. With all do respect to the overall team talent they had, Oliveri, Hall, and the other roll players were only as good as the backcourt made them. Watching them this year they both excelled on both ends of the floor. Yes Joe's had great depth but as good as Oliveri's numbers (ok he probably led the team in scoring) were he was by no one's standards a defensive stopper, nor a good or even marginal passer. Joe's was at its best when a) they were out running thier break led by Glover and Morris and Oliveri and the rest of the team was finishing....b)When played as a team and didn't have individuals looking to just get thier own numbers. I watched alot of MMA ball this year and the past twenty years and am a MMA fan, but while each of those kids, as all of the kids on these lists have flaws in thier games, I think it has been mentioned as I read earlier comments that you must look at the overall game of the player, offensively, defensively, leadership, attitude, etc...etc.....basketball is a game of knowledge and skill, not just run outs ppg..... congrats to all the award winners....

Again you miss the point, no I am not saying my son is better Then Adam or comparing him to Lebron. If you had someone look at stats alone and not see the players play then this would be a different list that's my point. That's my only point and will my son be playing D1 next year no because he is only a jr. The other difference is in what sport he will be playing at the college level, you see he has a choice of Track, Football or Basketball. P.s. Scoring is the only stat that he beat my son in because my son beat him in every other and in scoring it was by only by .8. Yes I'm a proud Father and as I've always told my boys it's my job to brag not there's. Sincerely Darrin Haight From the North.

"From the North" please watch.


Get a real job and move somewhere more relevant than Barker

Who can take anybody serious that calls them self are you serious! Seriously! You just don't understand the point I'm trying to make and I get that because your from a more relevant place then I am, like Stop must be.

What Law school did you graduate from North? You must be a lawyer with all these convincing arguments you're producing.

You're point is that if nobody had watched the players play that stats alone should be the deciding factor. Ok, sure, you can claim that. The only reason you are running into problems getting your point across is that it is totally nonsensical. Let's take at least one key factor into consideration. What's the key factor? Ummm...maybe it's that the person deciding on these lists actually watches the athletes play. Therefore, making your ill-fated point moot.

Do yourself a favor and stop posting comments. It's unbecoming.

Lots of haterade toward undoubtably one of the top coaches all time in WNY and a kid that not only is one of the top up and comers but a plesant kid withgood grades to boot Wheres the proof?

Lots of haterade toward undoubtably one of the top coaches all time in WNY and a kid that not only is one of the top up and comers but a plesant kid withgood grades to boot Wheres the proof?

Lots of haterade toward undoubtably one of the top coaches all time in WNY and a kid that not only is one of the top up and comers but a plesant kid withgood grades to boot Wheres the proof?

If Weir played for Barker, he would average 35+ points a game, and I have never seen Barker player or anyone from their league play, but I am just guessing that the talent in that league does not compare to the level of competition that Canisius plays/played.

Couple questions for ya Darrin.

Have you seen any of the players on the first team play more than once?

Can you accurately compare the differences in competition and athletiscm from league to league?

If you make a pizza with one more pepperoni, statistically speaking of course, does that make it a better pizza?

Why do you keep driving by and throwing empty pizza boxes in CC's yard? He's the only one giving any of these kids any credit or recognition on an unbiased level.

You sound an awful lot like this:

Jake wasn't even the top player in the league so I'm not sure how he can even be compared to the wny player of the year or anyone in first team for that matter. There's no one that knows basketball who watched any N-O games and thought he was better than Darnell Carson. This is taking nothing away from Jake though as he is a good player and is definitely deserving of the spot he was give. Maybe I can even see an argument being made for fourth team. I look forward to watching him play more next year.

Here's the link Darrin.


Look I will try and make my point one more time! I never said Jake was as good as anybody. I just tried to point out if you were to look at stats alone this whole list would be different again not saying Jake would be at the top. I also spoke to CC and told him what a great job he does. He also understood where I was coming from. If it wasn't for CC most of you would of never even heard Of Barker let alone Jake. Now you know his name and maybe some of you who have never seen him will try and get to one of his Games. He is also playing for Buffalo Storm Lockport if you are at an AAU tournement like This week end Showdown in B Town.

I want to make it very clear that johnathon lewis has nothing to do with any comments made on this blog. He's playing Aau and is getting redy for next season. Congratulations to all the players...johnathon lewis

Is the N-O league talent wise as a whole at its lowest point in lets say the last twenty years ?

The former long time host of The Price is Right has a High School in WNY named after him? Who Knew?

Seriously, what is SO upsetting about a junior from a small school be considered one of the top 25 basketball player's in WNY? That alone is an honor. Move on, it sounds like the young man will work his "arse" off to become better and move up that list next year.

In past years, players have gone from not making the Buffalo News honorable mention as juniors to 2nd team All WNY as seniors. Some just peak as player's a little later than others.

What's more important, recognition from local media or recognition from college coaches, at any level who want you to come and ball for them? On this years Honorable Mention Cleceland Hill's Jordan Parker will be moving on to play DII ball next year.

One man can only do so much when selecting these teams and for the most part he's on the money. Just wish you would have listed heights(or is it haigt's :) ) and weights of the 1st 5 teams.

Good job CC glad 2 c the All WNY team came out a few days early :)

Just make sure u get that Olean-Jamestown game next year so we can do a road trip.

GO CUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't understand all this talk about someone playing ball at Barker and his proud pappy. Let the Dad brag if he wants. I didn't see his son play. If CC says he's a top 25 player great.

Congratulations to Adam Weir and Canisius. I can't remember when canisius had a POY.

It's a joke Canisius didn't get all 10 first place votes....Canisius lost 2 Nazereth in the State Catholic final ON THE ROAD by 6. Beat them by 10 earlier in the year at home. CRUSHED McKinley on a city court by 18 - yes 18 points! WTH 6 voters just 'pretended' that game didn't happen?!?! In the State playoffs Albany Academy beats Nazareth at the BUZZER (the team Canisius lost 2 for the 6 slow voters) then AA CRUSHES the PSAL team John Adams that beat McKinley by 14!

Hello? Anybody home? Think McFly, Think!!!

These debates between everyone are always funny to read! You all think you know something. Let me guess you watch Basketball on TV?? Maybe some NBA? Everyone on here thinks they are someone special. CC is the only one that knows anything about basketball. But unless your a coach your probably one of those annoying fans that yells at the ref every time you think there was a call he missed. But keep it up Maybe someday you will actully know something. Then again probably not.

Bball Booster-I know the Niagara Frontier League is and it doesn't look promising for the future!

My wife has me spring cleaning and by coincidence I come across 2009 edition of all wny. maybe some of you guys can help me where these kids are..Domonique Jackson(east),Canestro(Nichols)Justin stokes(midd coll),keron briggs(sh),helton(canisius),chris Holland(grover)davon alexander(midd coll),Nowak(OP), Mulhern(midd coll). btw all the talk about what team kids are on Davon Marshall was on 4th team (only player I have ever seen drop a team was 3rd year before) and he is doing pretty good on scholarship at Liberty. Don't ge to caught up in this stuff

I forgot carlos rivera(jtown) he was 1st team

Thanks Sal! Blast from the past. I remember watching those guys! Troy Nowak was incredible!

great point Sal... Please people don't get caught up in these All WNY debates..... they are just peoples opinions.....Different players all in different situations, could be system, could be ability, could be competition to be argued for one way or another......great players don't always get recognized on these teams for a variety of reasons.... it is what it is....

After his senior season in 2008, Hamburg's Blake McLimas was 4th team All-WNY for BN. Tonight his Michigan Wolverines play for a National Championship.

Unfortunately, Blake is sitting on the pine at Michigan. Although, hope that with the local connections, player and coach, that Michigan wins and he squeezes in some playing time. What I truly like to see is for him to continue his education and come back and play at one of the local colleges as I think he has a year of eligibility remaining. I believe he could be a solid contributor to one of the local D-1 schools.

I agree with Just Wondering but it is fun to debate. Lets face it you can't win a debate with our wives we might against each other! Go Michigan!!!!!

After a year of NEPSAC AAA Division prep school basketball at South Kent School in CT, Reggie Agbeko, St. Joes 2012 grad, commits to the #13th nationally ranked St. Louis Billikens. After averaging 16ppg and 12rbd, Reggie was also was voted to the 2013 2nd Team All-NEPSAC.


Go Louisville!!!

Way to go Reggie!! Congrats!!


Don't have a problem with Morris and Smith (although I'm not sure I would put Smith as 1st team based on the full season body of work), but having seen both McK and SJCI numerous times during throughout the season, have to say Glover was a better player than the other three Mck players. I understand that McK made a nice run, but I'm not sure that SJ could not have made the same run if they were a Class A Public. JMO

Major props to Reggie A on his commit to St. Louis. You have some big fan's here in Wny. Good luck.

Jonah Bronstein of Home Base Buffalo did an honor roll for former WNY HS hoops prep stars after their respective college seasons this year:


Rosters for the PAL/ACE all star games at Niagara Falls High School tonight:


ACE update- great young kids game-triple OT. Laterranee Reed with 30 in a loss made some big shots, Percy Bryant and Howard Washington solid in the win
Older game-Aaron white very impressive in the win 22 pts and Turecki had 16. Darnell Carson 17pts and willie smith all around game made it a close game throughout. 2 great games thanks to players and coaches and yes even officials(lol) for making it a great night


Olean electing to leave the CCAA next year for an independent and tougher schedule. Should definitely help them in making one last run at a state title with this group of players who will have led them going on 4 years now.

So far, Olean's schedule includes:

Home & home with Bishop Kearney (Class AA State Champions)

at Canisius (CHSAA Class A state finalist)

at Aquinas (Sec V Class A champions)

vs. Greece Athena (Sec V Class AA finalist) in RAP Classic

IAABO Tournament at St. Bonaventure (field includes Will North, Nichols, & Bradford)

Home & home with Dunkirk

This switching leagues doesn't seem right for better or worse what prevents others teams from picking and choosing who the play? Isn't that what Non league games are for. Just asking, CC I will be in your area to night at a track meet would like to talk to you if your not busy and again thanks for the great job you do!!!

I'm wondering how this independent league affects seeding for sectionals. If they play no league games do they end up with zero points?

Just as was the case with Falls in '05 & '06 and with Maple Grove in '10, every game they play counts for seeding points. Because they schedule elite competition, the reason for going independent, in all likelihood the teams end up with a lower seed than they'd have had by staying in the league.

The whole spirit of playing an independent schedule is knowing you have a special team with a chance to win a state title and providing the best competition you can to have the team prepared for that run. In the three cases mentioned above, all three played for the title, with Falls winning the AA Fed in '05 and Maple Grove winning states in Class D. I definitely think that in Maple Grove's case, they wouldn't have won states that year without the benefit of being so battle tested all season.

What prevents other teams from picking and choosing who they play is that to gain independence for the season, you need first district, and then league approval. It's difficult enough just to attain the first, because of the increased travel costs that would be incurred. Even with Olean going independent next season, they still had to turn down a spot in the Prime Time Shootout due to the costly expense of the trip. The second hurdle (league approval) can be tough to come by as well - just ask Falls, who've been denied the past few seasons.

For the record, I was calling for Olean to play independent this season and believe that had they followed up an early season victory over Canisius with some more top level games rather than slipping into blowout city (CCAA I), they'd have won it all this year. Instead, the Huskies played three competitive games all regular season, in three of their six nonleague games.

I just learned that Williamsville North is NOT in the IAABO field with Olean, Nichols, & Bradford. Apparently I was miss informed by the Olean coach. When I receive the correction, I'll put it up.

Don't get me started on the subject of independent schedule,talk about frustrating uggghh

I think you overlooked Connor Sears.....But I'm his Dad!. I'm supposed to say that!!!but really dude,he should have been honorable mention, again I'm his Dad!>>shot 54% shooting on 2 pointers and 47% on 3 pointers, scored 311 pts and the next closest player had 190pts, & avg. close to 6 steals per game. And I know not much regard is given to the N-O League as very good but there were many good games to see for the basketball lover. But the most amazing thing about Connor is the fact that he never picked up a basketball till his friends to try out for 8th grade modified team which he was the last kid to make the team,as a matter of fact they kept 13 instead of 12 so they did not have to cut just one kid(Connor)>>>>so I consider this his honorable mention! As well it will be the last time for a Dad to Brag about his Son and I'm glad I did.I know the area is full of mediocre and possible 10 or less who will move on to D1 and even play....actually I don't know the figure....it would be a good list>>>post a List of all players moving on to D1 schools and where to play hoops, thats a list that would put to rest some doubters about how much talent we have in section 6. I would have loved to see Sterling play but his team didn't make it past the free ride portion of the playoffs....but he didn't have much help apparently, I wish he could get on a team with a stronger supporting cast, and another good player would be Darnell Carson who as many will remember me saying he was the lead man on the team and all of their wins came at his hand as he was also the Coach....they didn't run offences which was obvious and Peay was a great help along with Darnell brother & if you want to know more about it,do as others did,ask him he will tell you and pulls no punches about it. Now just a guy like Darnell could have been a nice addition to play with Taplin!!!!Oh the joy of computer blog coaching!!LOL.Great group of kids and I very much enjoyed all of you here on CC. My boy graduates but I'll be back, if I'm welcome!I learned a ton
about this game from you guys....& Alice Sweet (LOL)you crack me up dude! Be and enjoy each day, God Bless

@ least CC can say we got "GAME!"

I can't disagree with you about Connor Sears and I'm glad you took the time to give him his honorable mention.

had this 14 year old kid played here he would most likely be POY every year!!!....although haven't confirmed his age.....enjoy some real hoop fellas!!!http://www.wimp.com/dominatesbasketball/

Game I'm glad my son had a chance to play against Connor in more then one sport and be come friends with him in the process, you have every right to be proud you have a great son!! Hope to see you on the sidelines next year. The other proud pops!

also I was happy to see that Connor led all WNY in stealhandily and he is no speed demon but picked up a basket ball in 8th gade ,barely made the team and started ever game of his 4 year career led WNY in steal was a 1st team ALL--Leaguee and I would say a bit more love should have been afforded himas he only played 4 years of organized ball....just as the Maryvale or Depew coach how tough it would be to prepare for him......over a 50% shooter on 2 pts and 47% on 3z....but as I said their are loads of talent out their speaking of which if Jake Haight was coddled to a private school or an open rnrollment school...he would be way ....way up on the list....for playing on a team with 7 kidsand those being his friends he chose to play out in the school district he was born in and to keep up a good GPA.....while were foaming at the mouth about our super player here in WNY....along side the PPG why don't you post their GPA as well....that's a super idea....Paul Harris ring a bell???im just proud to say my boy plays at Newfane where they have the honor of being one of only a handful in NYS whose 18 boys & girls Varsity sports where each one of the team all kids combined carry a 80% grade avg.in all sports. and I noticed there was a North/South game held and not sure if my boy was invited and declined as I was shocked to see a player from G.I. who Newfane beat by 35 pts and Connor scored half of their teams total himself...but maybe he declined or wasn't asked.But you all know I never bragged or said much about my boy till the season was over and thanks CC for letting me call him and Honorable Menton....because of his 1st team pick in all- in both football and basketball. there are many good players that I hear of but considering the source I feel pretty good about the pick....is Taplin going to be the next high profile Jumper?only to get some help to show case his talent.....good players for the most part do well....pay closer attention to Jake this coming year.....our allowed to come out here to gods country where schools are miles apart not blocks...your a great bunch and thanks for always being kind to my posting regaudless of there LENGH!!!!LOL.

and the varsity sports all averaged 90% or high not 80 as I noticed I posted and I think there were only 93 schools total in NYS have that honor....these awesome players as I said should be as proud of their GPA and their PPG....so CC do a bit of homework and let the basketball GODS that be know if we have great players who excel in school or just on the court...the way things are these days schools keep a close look...lets see the GPA....after all SCHOOL ISNT ABOUT SPORTS ITS ABOUT LEARNING...SPORTS ID A LUXURY AFFORDED THOSE WHO STUDY AS HARD AS THE PLAY....IF THEY ARE BARELY PASSING YET AN ELITE PLAYER....THEY ARE BEING DONE A TERRIBLE INJUSTICE BY THOSE INVOLVED. II have a good feeling the grades are there but lets see.
Game On!!!!!

If your sons are so amazing why did you let them rot in the so-called awful and unnoticed N-O??? Especially Jake, who is one of, if not the best athlete to ever grace the N-O. But I digress. This site is about basketball not GPA. If your son is Valedictorian good for him. If not, you should go on another site and whine. Maybe try "The View From The Classroom Window". I'm sure both of your boys just absolutely enjoy your incessant whining on this site. If I was aware of my dad bellyaching about the positioning of me on these teams I would lock him out of the computer post-haste. Like the majority of these sensical fathers on this site, if I'm lucky enough to have a son (not that there is anything wrong with daughters, I'd love her equally as much), I will just be thankful to have him and cheer him on quietly. If CC (website creator) deems him worthy of any spot, on any list he posts I'lI be a silent proud father. Although, If he doesn't qualify I'll most certainly go on a murderous rampage and literally blow up the Internet!! Obviously I'm kidding, but I definitely won't be publicly begging for him to be moved up/on any list on a website. Some words of wisdom for you fellas, DON'T HIT POST!!!


I look forward to your asinine retorts. Surely to be riddled with punctuation, grammar and spelling errors.

You ask why didn't I move Jake, because as much as I love sports his education is first and for most and that is why he is where he is. Besides he is loyal to his friend he's known all his life. Further more with GPS several D1 schools have been able to find Barker already! Weather I'm right or wrong I do what I do because I love my kids. Last thing if I'm not mistaken didn't a kid from the NO league get picked in the fourth round, and my oldest son played against on the court pretty cool!!! Good Luck JC!!!!

From the North,

You obviously missed the sarcasm that was draped all over my first sentence. The N-O gets plenty of attention for what it is. You've been complaining to CC about the N-O not getting enough attention and then totally contradict yourself by making the Tretter reference. Which leads me to picture you doing plenty of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSp2I0ObdW4

and also frequently being a passenger on one of these: http://s266.photobucket.com/user/A-TownJuggalo/media/stuff/DSCN3922.jpg.html#/user/A-TownJuggalo/media/stuff/DSCN3922.jpg.html?&_suid=136759141243607777859750658375

Good call on staying in Barker for educational purposes. Those kids almost always get to their homework by the light of an oil lamp just as soon as their chores are completed. That school has been cranking out farmers for decades. Makes me want to watch Little House on the Prairie just thinking bout it. Ah shucks, it's a great old place to raise a family...who wants more pie?

Centercourt - Do some digging and find out why NU is losing so many coaches recently. Vball coach, Mihalich, hockey coach, soccer coach.

I saw your tweet about that as well & I was unaware of the others (knew about Mihalich). The person to ask is @DaveUniversal - he does radio broadcasts of the women's hoops games and has long been a fan of the Purple Eagles. My biggest concern right now is how I'll keep up with 400+ thirsty fishermen this weekend that all come off the water at the same time.

softball coach is m.i.a. too.

CC, drill holes in some of the boat hull's to lessen the number of boat's returning. Problem solved.

Great to see Olean stepping out of the box and upgrading their schedule. Kudos to Coach Anastasia and the Huskies. I agree with CC here. Had they played tougher competition throughout the season rather than just a few games likely they would have advanced. Also glad they're making the trip to Canisius. It'll give me a chance to see them play assuming no conflicts.

I think and hope every parent has reason to be proud of their children's hard work and success. I know, and it's tough, when they don't receive the credit we think they deserve or in our opinion they are unnecessarily criticized. However, I also think it best to let their play and actions on the court and elsewhere do their talking. Nothing we say here as a parent will change opinions and as Mr. Haight has discovered may cause some negative push back.

Now's the time for all serious hoopsters to become hoopstars by working hard on their game. As Jordan/Bird said, if you're not working on your game, you're losing ground because others are.

Have a great summer everyone!

This board has been awfully quiet in the past months since the season ended. CC needs to liven the board up once again and here is your topic since you missed it. 2012 POY Stan Weir has left UB for reasons I still do not know. One thing I do know is that he was a medical redshirt in the 2012 to 2013 season, so by leaving he is either headed to another D1 program or to a lower D2/D3.

If he goes to a D1, he will have to sit another year (NCAA rules) but to a D2/D3 or NAIA school he would be able to play immediately. Is there any insight on why he left and where he is headed to?

I bet he goes juco, then tries d1.

Well, Stan turned 20 in June, after one year of JUCO he will be 21. If he moves on to D1 he will be 21 when he play's his 1st game at a 4 year college which will make him the same age or older than most of his senior teamate's.
I hope he lands at a college where he play's for a coach who will help him along the path of becoming a coach at a high level.
Good luck Stan.

From twitter:
Keith McShea ‏@KeithMcSheaBN 22 Jul
Midland College (JC in TX) today formally announced (in an email to me) the signing of East Aurora native Stan Wier, who recently left UB.
6 schools in 6 year's with one more transfer to come. Why????

Why? Because in this case Bobby Hurley has come in and wants to put his personal stamp on the program.

Of course, we don't know the details, and this is nothing but a guess, but Stan is coming off surgery on both knees and did not play or even suit up as a freshman — he has no film to show he competed in the MAC — and, well, Hurley clearly believes he needs to upgrade. In case anyone hasn't noticed, it looks like Hurley has brought in at least three JUCOs/transfers and he has reportedly offered other JUCOs.

Meanwhile, Andre McPhail and Raphell Thomas-Edwards have also left the UB program since Hurley was named HC. Another guess is that they were politely yet firmly advised to take their talents elsewhere.

The fact that Stan has gone JUCO himself might mean, because of his medical situation, he couldn't find another D1 program willing to risk a scholarship on him right now.

Might not be fair to suggest this latest move was Stan's idea.

Sure it is fair to suggest that, just as it is fair to suggest that he may not be a DI level talent in basketball.
People need to get over the idea that just because someone is playing D2 or D3 basketball it means that they are not highly skilled player's.

Buff News was all over the changes/transfers regarding the Niagara program ... not sure why they haven't done more on UB and Hurley's moves.

way to come strong with that observation use ya left.

Could it be because the Buffalo News and all its sports analyst/contributors were the first to anoint Stan with awards and other accolades prior to his surgeries and one year as a medical redshirt. The News writers anticipated he would be the "stud" at UB? The story is an embarrassment to the News and to the writers who stuck their necks out for Stan in 2012. Tweeting it is the best Stan could get at this time. Good Luck Stan! Make the most of it!

STAN was an exceptional HS player but is WNY hoops that down that the only conversation is about someone who finished 2 years ago going to JUCO?? Has anyone heard of TAPLIN; WATKINS; LEE-YAW; or WASHINGTON? How are they performing at AAU; CAMP HOOPSFEST? Please...

Kellum back to Rochester school. Not living with Drake anymore?

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