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Sunday, February 23, 2014


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CC - I may be wrong, but didn't McKinley lose to Grand Island in 2002 before Buff State? It was an upset for sure.

Maybe they lost in the semi-final round but it was before Buff State that year?

The year you are thinking of was when they lost in the semifinals to Grand Island in a game played at Kenmore West.

Yes! That's it. So it was the semi-finals just not at Buff State. Odd.

You know what's 'odd' - the fact that I had 2 pay $2.72 for a slice of pizza last year and $1.88 for a drink. Even my 10 year old thought that was a joke. Hopefully that changes 2nite.

And what IDIOT put the AA semis on Day 1? Will the marketing genius please stand up? I am sure if this person was in charge of the Olympics the USA Finland Bronze medal game would have been played Sunday and the Canada Sweden game Saturday?

I believe Buff St women had a conference tourney home game then...the other semi that year was Bennett over Lk Shore.

if lockport plays the way they did on friday they will win AA in section VI

Thank god... no more Barker talk. The boys from the southern-tier again showed them NFL boys how to play ball.

Speaking of which nice win for Jamestown tonight. Props to Dougherty, the kid looks a JV player but has the skills and shot that is matched by few.

Going for 4 of the 5 last championships this Saturday night, go Raiders.

And for those of you that were in attendance last night, watch this beauty from Quinn Lee Yaw...


Barker is in the NOL.

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