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Friday, February 07, 2014


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Is it fair to say this is the weakest Class AA has been in some time?
Should make for good section 6 playoff , as a number of teams can come out on top this year.

I wouldn't say this is a weak year for the class...there just is not one or two dominant teams like the Falls/J'town have been in most recent years. Five teams have the capability to win the class, which is the first time that can be said since the creation of the AA class.

TML, I've seen several games and it seems to me the overall level of play with the exception of a few teams is in fact down. You are quite right, however, that in AA there are a handful of teams that could win, which should make it an exciting time come Buff State.

I will agree to that in most classes but I would stack this year's AA class, 1-5, against any from the past number of seasons.

The fact that Section VI hasn't had a Class AA school crack the top 20 in the state all season is pretty telling. Most seasons there are at least two schools that are staples of the state's top 20 throughout the season.

This season reminds me of 2010 in Class AA, when Falls didn't reach Buff State and it was an all ECIC I final. I'm expecting the same thing to happen this season. The biggest difference, in 2010, we had a chance with Section V. This year, I would be very surprised if our Class AA rep got out of regionals. I still think there are at least five Class AA schools ahead of anything we will send to regionals.

I wouldn't put any of the top five Class AA schools from this season against either the Falls or Jamestown teams from 2011-2013. Totally different ball parks.

Falls played for a state title in 2008 & 2009.

Jamestown played for the title in 2011.

In 2012, Falls lost a nail-biter to Aquinas in the regionals, who went on to the state final.

Last year, Jamestown fell to eventual state chaampion, Bishop Kearney, after edging Falls, who beat Bishop Kearney in the regular season.

This year is a totally different animal in Class AA. It will make for a very competitive tournament at Buff State, but in reality, Jamestown needed overtime to get past the team that is likely Section V's Class A rep, East. The Class AA schools in Rochester are a significant upgrade over East.

I am saying 1-5...clearly there is not the top-class team or two as there has been in past years. Whomever this year's 3-5 seeds are will be just as strong or stronger as those in the past.

how many teams can say they have 3 1000 point scorers on the same team nice job to SAM EKSTROM WILL BATHHURST NICK SCHIMDT OLEAN HUSKIES

Coming from a school that has only three in it's history I'd say that it's pretty cool!!

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