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Thursday, February 13, 2014


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I'm assuming that I-Prep is in Class D this year but I might be wrong. CC - If they are, what chances would you give them making a run in sectionals? I haven't seen them play this year but I noticed that they're undefeated in the consolation division of the Yale Cup standings (shot at the city for dividing the league into two, so stupid).

I-Prep is Class C2, and I give them a great shot to reach the final in that class. The other competition for them in Class C2 includes Randolph, Olmsted, Maple Grove, MST Seneca, & Westfield.

Ahhh, C-2. Gotcha. And those semi-final and finals for Class D and D are still played in Jamestown right? That could more of a competitive bracket than the rest of them.

C1, C2, & D semis & final are all at JCC.

Mon 2/24 - C1 semis
Tues 2/25 - C2 semis
Wed 2/26 - D semis
Fri 2/28 - D, C2, & C1 finals beginning at 5:30

Dividing the Yale Cup into two is the best thing that happened to the league. It's not like the past when every team had a chance to win with a couple exceptions. Also the larger city schools are now more fairly seeded because they are playing all large schools except MEC.

As for the I-Prep squad, they are very fun to watch and extremely young. I think that have only 1 or 2 seniors. It's great to see the kids that were 7 and 8 graders at I-Prep my last year there all grown up and playing so well.

Congratulations To the Barker Raiders 18 - 0 !!!!

Earl - I'll agree with you on the front that the larger city schools are now more fairly seeded. One of the most bizarre and unfair seedings Earl, was when your Rawls and Narvaez team had to go to Olean for a quarterfinal game. Lost a close game only to see Olean go to Glens Falls. That was rough.

I'm just not a fan of the "we'll put the lesser talented teams in this pool and the more talented/larger teams in the this one". I would take it as an insult not to be competing with the best. Even if you're losing by 30 points, it's a learning experience.

Also, Earl, why do you think it's not like the past when every team had a chance to win it? Serious question.

There are teams now (almost ALL of the Yale Cup 2) that cannot come within 30 points of any of the good teams in Division 1. The trend toward smaller schools in Buffalo, the loss of players to Catholics and Charters, and the general quality of basketball in the area would make for some really lopsided scores. I always hated those games, because there was no good way to play them. It also aloowed the players to get into some really bad habits. Just imagine daVinci (who are good kids and work hard) going into East, McKinley or Middle College. In my new job, I have to get out and recruit and I see a lot of HS basketball, city and otherwise. Separating into 2 divisions has saved some schools from not having teams. I miss it too, but just like there is no longer a Masten Park HS, a Kensington or even (gasp) a Grover Cleveland, progress must be allowed to move on.

SC...I have been thinking the same thing regarding why there only seems to be 2-3 real competitive city teams within Yale Cup over the past 5 years or so. The easy anawer is enrollment decline but I don't think that has much to do with it...the only team I can say that is the main reason for drop-off is Riverside. Teams like Honors have always been small...sure, coaching has something to do with the decline but I can't say just how much.

Agree with Coach Schunk on the separation of the Yale Cup into two Divisions. There's been very competitive play in both sides this season and a lot less lopsided games then in the past. I remember in 2001 when Traditional beat I believe it was Performing Arts by 100+ while scoring 150 when they had Greg French, Daryl Jacobs, Aaron Marshall, and Terry George. That's a good example of why Buffalo Public Schools made the right decision on two Divisions.

I will be making the trip to Barker friday night to see how well they respond to a somewhat bit of better competition that they have not seen as of yet.I think they will respond well and take the game but then they are tossed into the fire.Its not a matter of having the tools to win against better teams as they do have a good "5" anchored by sensational senior Jake Haight but the fact that the rest of their games will be against teams they have not yet even come close to seeing.How they respond to these tests will define their season. Go Raiders!!!!!!

I have heard that barker had some good scrimmages aganist some good teams the past week any word on that?

From the North is the guy to know all things Barker!.But I know them fairly well and they have not played anyone that amounts to much yet. The N-O League is the worst ive ever seen it....But they are still a good team. They have the weapons..point gaurd, big man, and Jake Haight will throw a tomahawk dunk down on about anyone!! They are made of what they got unlike many other schools south of Barker. Im hoping they transition well if they find themselves upside down in any of their games toward the tiltle.Maybe North will shed light on scrimages...but head to Barker tomorrow night and see them play....great gym to play at and great people.

Here is Barker's scrimmage report for the past three games. Played Kenmore West on Saturday. They lost the first period and then won the next three after adjusting to there speed. Next they played Batavia and beat them. Finally they played Lockport and would of lost but it was close. We shall see tomorrow but if they play their game they should move on to play on Monday but it's one game at a time!!

I was told that Ken West lumped Barker the first quarter then felt bad for them and played their bench the rest of the time.

Barker may have "won" their scrimmage, yes scrimmage, against Ken West but I highly doubt that the Ken West kids were fired up to go up against Barker after beating St. Joe's the night before. I was told by a reliable source that for one of the quarters West played 2 starters, 2 bench guys, and a JV player and beat the Barker starting 5. I wish Barker the best in the sectionals. Good luck with Middle College.

Barker isn't afraid of Middle College.

Someone from Barker told me this:


Hopefully Portville is already on the bus! Judas Priest that is one heck of a road trip!

Are you serious. You are a joke. Everytime I come on this blog all I see is you stupid comments and nobody on here like you.... hopefully one day you will grow up and realize you aren't funny and you should leave your mothers basement.

Did you click the link? That's funny Bud.

Barker has nothing to lose...those playing Barker have everything to lose.....Austin Powers sux!! Carnies are cool.!!!

I feel like I hit a nerve with a group of ex-carnies. I'm not rooting against Barker or carnies fellas.

Lokks like ken west should have taken the scrimmage serious huh Dark TML. Maybe they would have won....

Looks like the team that took Barker serious this past week came out on top congrats to Lockport!!! Game thanks for coming tonight nice to see Connor. Good luck Monday at Jamestown Raiders. Always North!

Well...I do believe K-W should have payed a bit more attention to the scrimmage as well as it looks like they thought a win over a subpar St.Joes team was some big acomplishment...they got their arses handed to them by the Lockport Boys.And I have said all along that Barker is on a 19-0 season but have not been seriously tested. After catching the game tonight in a packed Barker gym I think they are more than up for the task. They destroyed Portville by halftime and as always a thundering Tomahawk dunk by Jake Haight brought the crowd....out of their slumber bein they were up by more than 40 on several occasions. I believe they will have the fight of their collective lives on monday vs Silver Creek but I think they are up to it.weather or not they have enough remains to be seen but as they roll along they have nothing at all to lose and everyone they play better come ready. they are very athletic which most the starting five can dunk. Good luck Raiders i will not be in JCCC monday but will be in Buff State to see Lkpt try to stay alive...Both are in for a game of epic proportions...Good luck boys...go play and have fun.

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