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Sunday, February 02, 2014


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Timon @ St. Joe's scheduled for tonight (2/5) has been cancelled and rescheduled for 2/13

Can't imagine any games being played in WNY today. Games get called off when it's cloudy and 42 degrees with a 30% chance of precipitation, so today when we're actually experiencing a legitimate storm, there's no chance of seeing a game.

Anything from yesterday rescheduled for tonight?

City Honors @ Olmsted is the only one I've heard of so far.

According to both Maxpreps, and the Buffalo News, Iroquois at Hamburg is at 1:30pm, not 7:30pm.

Thanks. Section VI gave me the wrong time. It's updated.

CC, is Cathedral Prep any good?

Cathedral Prep is always good. They lost to Archbishop Carroll, ranked 1st in PA and 27th in the nation by Max Preps Freeman rankings, by a score of 47-35. Tough to tell much else looking over their schedule, but suffice it to say, they will be good. They are always extremely well coached and play their butts off.

That should be the best game Canisius gets between now and mid March.

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