You think it's easy to come up a top 25? Give it shot. Five teams, with five players on each team.
In about four weeks, the 4th Annual All-Centercourt team will be announced, honoring the top 60 seasons turned in by high school players this year. The selections are broken down into a first, second, third, fourth, & fifth team, with five players on each, along with 35 honorable mention selections. There are also both Player & Coach of the Year selections, along with an award for the sixth man of the year.
The top 60 may sound like a lot, but when you start putting names down on paper, the list fills quickly and inevitably some very good players get left off the list. The main criteria I focus on is the 2013-2014 season, not what you did in the past, and not where you're going in the's all about honoring the top 60 from this season.
Use the comments section below to tell us what your 5 teams would look like and maybe even why. If you're really ambitious, try coming up with the entire team including the HM selections.
Please keep all commentary appropriate when discussing high school athletes, and remember, it is lame to say someone does not belong on a team, without offering up who should be on one. It might be even more lame to give only one or two teams. Show us you've paid attention this season and provide all five teams.
One name definitely deserves first team honors as he has picked up his team on his back and has carried them to Glens Falls... Zack Panebianco.
Posted by: WNYHOOPS | Sunday, March 09, 2014 at 01:17 PM
Varin Lenard (McKinley)
Posted by: Dante Jackson | Sunday, March 09, 2014 at 03:02 PM
Johnathon Lewis 24 points vs olean in the game of the year vs olean , 32 points at aquinas MVP of that tournament , 33 points in win over middle college , 27 points vs timon ... The kid plays big in the biggest moments !!! Just imagine if he had the size of Bathurst or a tapling a scary thought ... It was games after Tyson went down where they triple team him box and 1 him and he still manage to get his team to a 18-3 record and 1st seed in the B2 bracket ... He's also a 1,000 point scorer ... For a lil guy he had a heck of a career... East high was a top team all year even after their big man ( Tyson ) went down that team def deserves a player on 1st team ..
Posted by: Neil Lewis | Sunday, March 09, 2014 at 05:10 PM
Ok I will give it a shot (selections based on what I have seen, read or heard)
Sterling Taplin
Will Bathurst
Donte Williams
Johnathon Lewis
Zack Panebianco (MVP)
Ryan Funk
Sam Eckstrom
Tyree Tyson
Howard Washington
Chris Miner
Tyler English
Bri'an Brown
Lester Diaz
Colin Dougherty
Zak Ciezki
Sam Castronova
Varin Leonard
Jacob Haight
T.C Brown
Kevin Briggs
Phil Bowen
Alex Price
Ryan Robson
Joe Piotrowski
Bryce Morrison, Mitchell Maycock, Adam Fron, Jay Bergman, Aaron Phillips, Jordan Nwora, Bryan Jost, Dominick Welch, Jared Fish, Justin Hollins, Derrick Sekuterski, Ed Smith, Tarron Scott, Nicholas Clough, Dylan Dussault, Stafford Trueheart, Brandon Roach, Dylan Meyer, Matt Wrobel, Derrick Cheatom, Randy Golda, Devin Morris, Chris Woodard, Brendan Cox, Clay Lewis, Bill Brooks, Nick Schmidt, Percy Bryant, Cam Lewis, Allen Wright JR, Joe Jankowski, Luke Hennessy, Emaure Williams, Andrew Graham, L. Reed
Really hard, sure I left off a lot of deserving players
Posted by: Brian Smith | Sunday, March 09, 2014 at 05:52 PM
Wil Bathurst
Sterling Taplin
Donte Williams
Jonathon Lewis
Zach Panebianco
Ryan Funk
Cam Lewis
Howard Washington
Quinn Lee Yaw
Sam Eckstrom
Jake Haight
Tyler English
Lester Diaz
Phil Bowen
Dominick Welch
Bri'an Brown
Nick Schmidt
Sam Castronova
TC Brown
Stafford Trueheart
Matt Cieslik
Bill Brooks
Derek Cheatom
Chris Miner
Ed Smith
Posted by: wnybball | Sunday, March 09, 2014 at 08:10 PM
Will Bathurst
Donte Williams
Stafford Truehart
Sterling Taplin
Jonathan Lewis
Ryan Funk
Quinn Lee Yaw
Howard Washington
Percy Bryant
Sam Eckstrom
Brian Brown
Devin Morris
Varin Lenard
Tc Brown
NICK Schmith
Kevin Briggs
Dominick Welch
Cam Lewis
D'andre Stewart
Chris Miner
Bill Brooks
Lester Diaz
Tyree Tyson
Willie Smith
Tj Scott
Posted by: Dante Jackson | Sunday, March 09, 2014 at 10:08 PM
J. Lewis
Lee Yaw
Cam Lewis
W. Smith
Posted by: Coach | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:29 AM
Sterling Taplin
Will Bathurst
Donte Williams
Johnathon Lewis
Zack Panebianco
Ryan Funk
Sam Eckstrom
Bri'an Brown
Chris Miner
Percy Bryant
Tyler English
Varin Lenard
Lester Diaz
Colin Dougherty
Zak Ciezki
Sam Castronova
Devin Morris
Jacob Haight
T.C Brown
Kevin Briggs
Phil Bowen
Alex Price
Ryan Robson
Joe Piotrowski
Posted by: Coach P | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 11:54 AM
1st of all it's IMPOSSIBLE 2 pick a team now. I can assure u that if Olean and Jamestown win STATE TITLES it will b Taplin, Quin, Zack, Will, Sam. End of story. Unless of course Middle College wins 1 and then B Brown.
I'll give u guys the official team soon, stay tight.
Posted by: McShea is God | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 05:36 PM
Also happy 2 confirm Brandon Kellam will b returning 2 Jamestown 2 replace Quinn Lee Yaw in the middle when the Red Raiders go 4 back 2 back State titles in 2015! Sort of a Stan Weir back n forth. Obviously now the other 11 AA squads r playing 4 second place next year.
Posted by: McShea is God | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 05:38 PM
If taplin automatically on there when his team never wins anything then yea you can make your prediction now and their just predictions and the way mcshea is god making it seems then you would think it woulda been more players from Mack high on there last year instead of just marcus Morris
Posted by: Neil Lewis | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 05:49 PM
just a couple of dates put out there, April 5th at NFHS ^ AAU teams will be competing teams from Albany,Roch, Canada, Buff and NF, and ACE tryouts will be apr. 8th and games on apr. 10th at NFHS
Posted by: sal | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 06:25 PM
You can't just judge a player based on how far his team went in playoffs, many players do not have the help that that Jamestown and Olean have.
Posted by: Nixon Patt | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 07:58 PM
So why is people saying wait until after we see what happeneds at Glenn falls ???? When people was just making predictions ... You guys are basically going off what the power house teams are gonna do so they can take up all the slots .. When there are kids like johnathon Lewis and Percy Bryant who are far more talented and if they played in a system like Jamestown , olean , or anything of the big programs they probably be favor to win states east doesn't even have a assistant coach they have regular teachers who knows nothing about basketball acting like they kno what there doing ... I feel like johnathon Lewis showed in that game against olean he is by far the best all around gaurd in western ny and if he had size he would be the best player .. He's won 2 straight b2 championship and they didn't lose to a bad team they lost to olean which probably will win states , but you guys come up with all the excuses in the world for taplin you guy do this every year to public school kids
Posted by: Hoop guy | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 08:21 PM
Before you pre-name teams why don't you wait until you see who the coaches pick for their all-league teams. These coaches know the game and actually had to game plan for more than a handful of teams that made it to Buff State. Half of the posts here are simply repeating the same names that were hyped all year. Has anyone actually reviewed the stats and tried to identify the best players vs. those with the most press? Half of these lists are just the leading scorers and could have been put together by a 5 year old.
Posted by: ECICfan | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 09:44 PM
Now if we could Finish the predictions on who we think should make what teams it would be great .. all the extra comments doesn't matter the title at the top of the page is what we are on here for...... now make your predictions for the teams
Posted by: WnyTalents | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:15 PM
Neil -
Last year, Lovell Smith & Marcus Morris were both First Team.
Posted by: centercourt | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:18 PM
Just speak your real agenda ECICfan. If alot of the same names are getting repeated then maybe that should be telling you something. If you have someone in mind say it. I doubt you looked at any stats outside of ECIC either and really who cares?? If people are giving there picks here do they really need to qualify it all with stats?? Or better yet wait for the coaches all star teams...yeah right no politics ever involved with how those go down.
Posted by: CM | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:35 PM
Is it stats, leadership, team success or press coverage? I wonder! I'll leave it to the experts like centercourt...
Posted by: From the North | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:42 PM
Will Bathurst
Quinn Lee Yaw
Zach Panebianco
Jonathan Lewis
Sterling Taplin
2nd team
Howard Washington
Stafford Trueheart
Sam Eckstorm
Brian Brown
Donte Williams
3rd team
Chris Miner
Cameron Lewis
Dom Welch
Devon morris
Lester Diaz
4th Team
Jacob Haight
Phil Bowen
Ryan Funk
Chris Dougherty
Billy Brooks
5th team
Bryce Morrison
Tyler English
Nick Schmidt
Sam Castronova
Dylan Meyer
Posted by: CM | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 10:50 PM
1st Team -
LeBron James
Kevin Durant
Kevin Love
Chris Paul
James Harden
Posted by: McShea is God | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 11:22 PM
I think part of the problem is that any time one attempts to select a “best” team, it is always going to be based upon subjective parameters. Obviously, the simplest way to do this would be to select the consensus best players on the teams with the best records. Logic dictates that these players had to at least have had some impact on the final results. Are we supposed to dock players like Panebianco and Washington simply because they do not deviate from their winning systems in an effort to put up better statistics? On the other hand are we supposed to completely ignore the accomplishments of players like Haight and Diaz simply on the basis of their weaker divisions? What about special cases like Tyson? Although he was injured half the year, when healthy, he was clearly one of the most talented big men in this area. Are we measuring individual impact on a team? A player like Phil Bowen essentially carried a team that was originally predicted to finish near the bottom of his league to a share of the ECIC II title. Thus pollsters such as Centercourt have the unenviable job of combining all of these factors to somehow create a 25 man team, and, inevitably, angering many in the process. With all of that being said, here is my mythical “team”.
Will Bathurst
Sterling Taplin
Donte Williams
Sam Eckstrom
Zach Panebianco
Cam Lewis
Howard Washington
Quinn Lee Yaw
Jonathon Lewis
Ryan Funk
Phil Bowen
Chris Miner
Stafford Trueheart
Bill Brooks
Bri'an Brown
TC Brown
Jake Haight
Zak Ciezki
Lester Diaz
Nick Schmidt
Kevin Briggs
Derek Cheatom
Sam Castronova
Dylan Meyer
Tyree Tyson
Posted by: Logos | Monday, March 10, 2014 at 11:58 PM
1st team
Wil Bathurst POY
Howard Washington
Zack Panebianco
John Lewis
Stafford Trueheart
2nd team
Quinn Lee Yaw
Sterling Taplin
Luke Hennessy
Sam Eckstrom
Donte Williams
3rd Team
Cam Lewis
Ryan Richards
Nick Schmidt
Percy Bryant
Bri'an Brown
4th Team
Varin Leonard
Zak Chiezki
TC Brown
Tyree Tyson
Ryan Funk
5th team
Colin Dougherty
Tyler English
Zacc Kinsey
Bill Brooks
Kevin Briggs
Posted by: Bruh | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 12:55 AM
How can yall do this when the public school kids like east goes on a good run without Tyson and when ythey do get him he's not healthy the 2 guards definitely ' and then McKinley started with a whole new group off kids losing there 5starters and 3 great bench players so that's 8 players that leave as seniors in they go and compete like that with a whole new team they make it to far west regionals you telling me those guys don't deserve spots.
Posted by: Russel | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 08:09 AM
Questions for CC:
Are there players that will make one of your teams that you never even saw play? How do you handle that situation? Watch game film? What exactly i your criteria for making it on a team? It seems like you shouldn't be deciding the fate of kids without even seeing them play.
Posted by: fan | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 11:03 AM
You can always tell who was following which league by the comment. Some guys arguing for ECIC players and some for the city. Nobody really mentioning the catholics yet, so here goes. A strange year in the MMA to be sure. Canisius is clearly the team all season, yet they get eliminated early. Had they won the Cup, there are Crusaders at the top. Normally there are one or two catholic players who are locks for 1st team. This year there are several who were very good, but with the way it all ended, it's all debatable. Guys like Williams, Washington, Lewis, Miner, and Trueheart will find themselves somewhere in the five teams, but no guarantees where. Maybe Hollins or English also.
I did not see Iroquois this year, but heard Bowen was good. However, failing to lead a team to at least the semifinals usually drives a player's stock down. I suspect that to be the case with Lester Diaz also who I originally thought would be a 1st team guy based on what I had heard. I did see Clarence twice, vs St. Mary's and Jamestown at BS. Thought Funk was very good, but containable. In both of those games, he was effectively taken out of the game...not until the second half vs Mary's. McKinley is a team who has success based on a system, conditioning and depth. Never did get to watch Haight from Barker play, but am left to wonder after his team flamed out against OTC.
I will take my shot at coming up with some teams later and will try to avoid too much catholic bias :)
Posted by: MMA | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 11:05 AM
Bathurst (Olean) - POY
Taplin (WN)
Brown (MEC)
Panebianco (James)
Williams (Timon)
Washington (Can)
Eckstrom (Olean)
Lewis (East)
Lewis (Nichols)
Brooks (SC)
Lee Yaw (James)
Funk (Clar)
Truehart (Can)
Briggs (MEC)
Haight (Barker)
Diaz (Laf)
Welch (Cheek)
Dougherty (Lock)
English (SML)
Morris (McK)
Bryant (East)
Ciezki (Cheek)
Morrison (Rand)
Cheatom (Park)
Meyer (Fred)
Honorable Mention:
Lewis (Holl)
Hollins (SJ)
Bowen (Ir)
Roach (Olm)
Geib (Ken E)
Clough (Will E)
Fish (Sal)
Stoddard (RH)
Fogan (Tap)
Willaism (Will E)
Brown (Am)
Kneeland (Newf)
Wefing (MG)
Castronova (Will S)
Schmidt (Ol)
Hennesy (Ol)
Lenard (McK)
Steward (McK)
Phillips (Cleve H)
Miner (Nich)
Robson (Sher)
Graham (Sher)
Tyson (East)
Nwora (Amh)
Sekutarski (Dep)
Scott (MEC)
Richards (Can)
Smith (Mary)
Smith (Riv)
Fron (KW)
Piotrowski (NT)
Lamar (Timon)
Wrobel (SML)
Saglimben (All-L)
Boling (Ton)
Posted by: bullsfan | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 11:44 AM
Look at stats
Posted by: rick | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 12:24 PM
fan -
There's two players who will make my top 25 that I only got to watch three times this season. Every other player, I saw four or more times. I hear what you're saying about needing to see the kids. Trust me, I do my best to make the rounds and see as many different teams & players that I can, without compromising seeing the best games each night that I'm most drawn to.
As far as my criteria for selecting teams, I could answer it two ways. The first would be to say it's a combination of several factors from team success to individual stats, and everything in between. The second answer, and the one I prefer, is to say there is no set criteria. I see well over 100 games every season and watch everyone from the small schools, Southern Tier schools, Yale Cup, Monsignor Martin, ECIC, etc.. Throughout those travels, things start to make sense.
If I cemented myself to certain criteria, I wouldn't even need to attend the games, I could just look at the stats that met my criteria and the teams would fall into place. To me, it makes a lot more sense to get out there and watch the games. That way when someone says, so-and-so was way better than this guy who you have above him, I can feel comfortable with my picks, knowing I've seen them all, multiple times. As an example, if the parent of the best player on Frontier swears their kid should make a certain team, I wonder how they can be so sure a player from a different team who they never saw, doesn't deserve to be even higher.
Hope that helps.
Posted by: centercourt | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 12:48 PM
I believe Truehart (canisius) as well as Schmitt ( Nichols) are worthy of a team, both are among a handfull of players in WNY that are D1 players. If you judge off playoffs Schmitt is out with that injury .... Truehart and Canisius didn't go as far, so basing off success over talent may distort the teams. Schmit and truehart are examples
Posted by: WNY observer | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 01:02 PM
I believe that each player's respective leagues should be taken into account. Very good players don't put up astounding numbers because they play within a system. MMA may be the hardest league and ECIC1 a close second. Talent and known ability should over rule success; look at some of the smaller schools! These polls are very opinion based. Would make sense to wake for coaches poll from leagues....
Posted by: fan22 | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 01:10 PM
My point earlier, agreed fan22. No agenda, just saying that Coaches polls should have some weighting as they have a perspective that fans may not and shouldn't be discounted as "political" automatically. Many good players play on teams with limited depth and aren't going deep in playoffs (with the exception of Jamestown). Unfortunately there is limited exposure to anything other than PPG, which is obviously important but don't measure the full impact of a player on the game when ignoring assists, shooting percentage, rebounds, steals, and blocks. Great to see a stat stuffer like Haight getting respect on most boards as the kid has a full stat line every night (and no I'm not from Barker).
Posted by: ECICfan | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 03:06 PM
Relax; it is just a fun opinion based poll on a BLOG; it is not going to make or break a Student Athlete's Collegiate or Professional Future. My 1st Team would be: TAPLIN; BATHURST; PANEBIANCO; WILLIAMS; and LEWIS with the 2nd Team featuring ECKSTROM; LEE-YAW; LEONARD; CAM LEWIS; and WASHINGTON
Posted by: fullcourt1 | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 03:20 PM
I really don't think Jamestown had any more depth than Clarence or North this year. They did all beat each other this year. Really can you even tell me who comes off the bench there to offer that depth? My opinion is Jamestown's players were much better in the biggest games and they will get rewarded appropriately for it. They should. They didn't beat Greece with depth, they beat them with Zack P!! Any other team in AA would have lost to that team by 15. And serious question...what names are we going to see getting coaches awards that are not popping up already? I guess that is the most confusing part of people saying to wait for the all league teams. what are they really going to tell us?
Posted by: Hubert | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 03:30 PM
CC, when are you going to show us the all-league teams for this year?
Posted by: Hubert | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 03:32 PM
Jamestown had no depth, they have Zack and Lee Yaw and that is why I listed them as an exception if you actually read the post rather than rant about how the coaches polls will tell you nothing until you have seen them. They may or may not have different names, and may or may not rank them differently so just wait and see.
Posted by: ECICfan | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 03:43 PM
take into account that the division 1 prospects in WNY are Bathurst (Olean), WIlliams (timon), Washington (CHS), Truehart (CHS), Taplin (WN), Reed (CHS) , Schmit, C. Lewis and Miner
Posted by: wny hoops 56 | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 04:05 PM
Bathurst, as is already known going to Cornell. Williams probably need's a year at a prep school or JUCO to adapt to rigors of college. Washington has already been offered scholarship by ACC school. Trueheart young, what level he projects is TBD as he is being evaluated by coaches at different levels. Taplin, multiple offers to consider. Reed and Schmit could have very good DIII careers and contribute early. Lewis and Miner very talented, but if they want to play early and often and WIN, DIII is best option. Neither one of them is even close to the player that most players their size are, currently competeing in the SUNYAC, Empire 8, or Liberty League and certainately not at the level of the post player's who will be competing in the sweet 16 of the NCAA DIII Tournament.
Have attended many DIII games through the years and the level of play in WNY does not prepare those players and fathers of those players for DI opportunities. If it is the opportunity to play and receive a quality education that is valued more than any thing else then the coaches from DIII who come calling should be given the courtesy of listening. Truth be told, they are currently not looking at many in Section VI. One or two % in a good year of all high school players go on to play at college ball at any level and even fewer get on the court the 1st couple years.
Posted by: Rusty Schackelford | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 05:04 PM
Sorry. I read your comment again and now see you were saying Jamestown went deep in the playoffs, not that they had depth. I stand by what i said about the coaches teams though. I really don't think the coaches all-star teams change anything anyone else already has posted.
Posted by: Hubert | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 05:22 PM
Schmit and Truehart already have multiple d1 offers, they must be doing something right... Both are young, long and very athletic. As a former D3 assistant coach I believe that your assessment of these 15 and 16 year olds if very much incorrect. It has alot to do with a raw product as much as it has to do with development.
Posted by: Viewer43 | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 06:18 PM
It also should be noted that miner, schmit, lewis and truehart won't play post positions in college.
Posted by: Viewer43 | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 06:32 PM
It is a tough question to say who is favored: The good player on a limited team (Pro's: has the ball in his hands more often vs Con's: almost always faces double teams & defenses designed solely to defend him)or the good player on a good/balanced team (Pro's: seldom faces double teams/specialty defenses vs Con's: Has to share the ball more given his teammates' talents).
Looking at the stats on the Section 6 website, there were only 8 kids that scored 400+ pts this year in Section 6 (Diaz, Bowen, Bathurst, Ekstrom, Clough, Welch, Saglimben & Lewis) and another 30 that scored 300+ pts. Ultimately, I think weight should be given to production on the court as you can't control how talented your teammates are.
My teams
Lee Yaw
Williams (Timon)
Brown (MEC)
Lewis (Nichols)
Lewis (East)
Brown (Amherst)
Schmidt (Olean)
Trueheart (does other things than score)
Lewis (Holland)
Posted by: My truth | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 06:54 PM
So the assesment of current DIII coaches throughout New York state is less relevant than that of a former DIII coach.
Don't take my word for it though, ask the game officials who work the various Section VI and MMA Championsips and also work college games.
What ever level they get to, good for them, I wish them the best. But why sit the bench at a D1 when you can have a stellar carreer at DIII. Isn't the education the most important thing either way. Why not enjoy being the stud instead of being a roll player.
How does someone advise a kid to hold out for the scholarship when they have no idea what the talent level is at DII. The biggest difference is that a majority of the D1's are freakishly athletic and big and play in more competitive high school and AAU programs.
Posted by: Rusty Schackelford | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 07:05 PM
The Section 6 website is not 100% accurate, many teams don't enter stats on the site. It is the coach who enters those stats and many chose not to or have only entered a few games.
Posted by: Brian Smith | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 07:43 PM
I agree with Rusty I'd rather see my son playing at the D3 level then sitting at the D1 level. Two of the top five from last years list sat the bench all year at the D1 level.
Posted by: From the North | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 07:51 PM
When all star teams are selected by people who are ignorant, you will get a based team. When centercourt makes his selections, they will be informed and well thought out. Additionally, he will be able to back up the choices with both anecdotal evidence (games that he's seen) and statistics as opposed to personal bias.
Posted by: bullsfan | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 10:03 PM
Find a player in WNY that made as many 3-pointers and had as good of a 3-point % as Nick Schmidt of Olean High. Extremely overlooked.
Posted by: Olean High | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 10:19 PM
Bathurst: Class B player who played an independent schedule facing several A and AA schools. Led Olean High averaging 20 a game. Has his team 2 wins from a state title. Probably the hardest player to stop I'm WNY considering very few teams have. No Class B teams. Class A teams like Timon and AA teams like Bishop Kearny and Greece Athena. You watch this kid play amd he does it all. When his jumper is failing he is virtually unstoppable (Ask Greece Athena about the 36 points he had against them including his 1,000 career point) The best player in WNY is Bathurst. Taplin of Will North comes close but is not quite Wil Bathurst.
Posted by: Olean High | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 10:25 PM
First Team
Bathurst: MVP
J. Lewis
And Washington, Truehart, or Panebianco. Up in the air.
But no doubt that Bathurst and Taplin are in their own class.
Then J. Lewis and Donte Williams are some of the best in WNY
Posted by: Anon | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 10:34 PM
No one has mentioned Ryan Lawrence (Lockport) or Noah Whalen (Kenmore West), both averaged nearly 20 PPG for respective teams which each had 15 wins, Lawrence made huge contributions to Lockport down the stretch of the season along with Colin Dougherty. All three players NFL all-stars.
Posted by: Northtowns | Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 10:52 PM
i must have seen over 75 games this year
and enjoyed them all
most of these kids that will make these lists
i have seen played for the last 7-8 years at jv and varsity games,gloria j park league , north buffalo league,summer pal league,boys club and even traveled with them to many aau tournaments over the years i know they are all great basketball players but more importantly they are good kids
very proud of all of these teamates over the years
percy bryant
zak ciezki
howard washington
cam lewis
chris miner
donte williams
billy brooks
laterence reed
josh huffman
tc brown
matt cieslik
jordan summers
tyree tyson
latrell tyson
jaun toliver
asad myles
damone brown
zach panebianco
johnathon lewis
stafford trueheart
pasquale scaife
kenny white
kyle davis
for the great season
Posted by: highschoolfan | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 12:10 AM
It's not just about stats.
Player A 400 pts 40 assts. 140 RB 30 steals
Player B 397 pts 67 assts. 133 RB 24 Steals
Player C 361 pts 84 assts. 200 RB 85 stals
It is about who you play and who you play with and the teams over all record. Can you pick the past POY, the can a date for this year POY and the one who might make the top 25 list?
Posted by: Stats? | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 04:35 AM
Being a coach for Lancaster we had the challenge of trying to stop 3 of the best players in WNY, Taplin,Funk, Panebianco. I can tell you that out of those 3 Panebianco was by far the hardest to contain. Taplin is a great player and can get to the rim whenever he wants. His outside shooting is hit or miss which aloud us to play off him a little bit. Funk is an excellent shooter but we found that you were able to contain him and limit his touches just by using a box and 1. Panebianco however, can shoot from anywhere in the gym so you are forced to have a man pick him up as soon as he crosses halfcourt. He also can blow by defenders going to his right and left. Once in the paint he has a nice high tear drop shot which allows him to shoot over taller defenders. It didnt matter what we tried defensively against him it didnt work. Just my opinion on those 3 players.
Posted by: Brian Smith | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 10:34 AM
Why do you put jake haights stats as player C. What are you implying and what does it matter?
Posted by: bballfan | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 12:48 PM
Chad can you facebook me I want some info abou.t glenns falls . Andy Sweeney
Posted by: andy | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 03:50 PM
And also players like Lenard Morris & Stewart from Mck took big roles this year in leading there team to regional in nobody new these kids name in December they definitely deserve spots they all averaged atleast 15or more and beat teams like east once will north cheektowaga & Lenard holds taping to 4pts in the 2nd half off a game
Posted by: Russel | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:04 PM
Why would a coach from ECIC 1 put down players in his own league? What comes around goes around. All three are good players. Sounds like sour grapes!! Since Lanacster lost all their games to these three teams. I understand Lancaster has some pretty good players coming up and had a solid JV team. Maybe the North and Clarence coaches will put their two cents in in a couple years. Actually I doubt it, Those two handle things with class. Disappointing comments.........
Posted by: guest | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:22 PM
These are the guys that should make
1st team:
Bathurst (olean) (poy)
Taplin (w.north)
Williams (timon)
J.lewis (east)
Pannebianco (jamesTown)
These guys are top 5 in wny !
I'll put up the 2nd, 3rd , 4th & 5th
Teams later stay tuned !
Posted by: Jimster21 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:38 PM
Bathurst can hurt you so many ways he's strong
Going to the basket he's improved his jump shot
Can rise above defenders and has great hands !
Posted by: Jimster21 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:41 PM
Taplin is also a dangerous player he has some of
The best court vision I've ever seen he gets to
The basket and finishes and most important he's
A team player and he gets his team involved
Posted by: Jimster21 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:44 PM
Williams is one of the best scorers I've seen in
Hs bball he's long slinky and has some impressive
Bounce he gets to the basket whenever he wants
And has a pretty touch on his jumpshot
Posted by: Jimster21 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:47 PM
J.lewis is hands down to me the best all around
Guard in wny he is relentless and hungry on
Both ends of the floor the whole entire game
Has impressive handles and lightning speed
He can guard your best player and contain them
Just ask Bathurst and has the most heart for a
5'7 guy
Posted by: Jimster21 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:53 PM
Pannebianco has a very impressive game and
Can get hot in the matter of seconds and when
He does it's trouble for the opposing team just
Ask Greece Athena he's on target from anywhere
On the court and knows the right plays to make
Posted by: Jimster21 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 05:56 PM
I agree with @jimster21..... nice breakdown
On the players that would be my 1st team
As well
Posted by: CoachWP | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 06:11 PM
Sterling Taplin is a great player, dont get me wrong, but he is VERY overrated. He dosent deserve to be on first tesm b/c he fosent win big games or even games that matter. I feel like he is so boosted just b/c he has D1 offers. Anyways, Bathurst or Panebianco should get POY and LeeYaw is underrated, kid has a motor
Posted by: Wnybball | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 06:17 PM
I hear what your saying about taplin that's
The one of the things he needs to work on
Is closing out games and lee yaw does have
A motor but to me is a second team player
Posted by: CoachWP | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 06:33 PM
Taplin is overrated? By who exactly? All I've heard for five years is people trying to cut him down and I'll never understand why. Is that why he has DI offers and has started for five years at the varsity level in ECIC I? I'm sure you are aware that he is the school's all-time leader in points, assists, & steals right? Every team Will North faced game planned specifically around him. Against Clarence at Buff State, he was suffocated the moment he stepped over half court, yet still managed a team high 18 points. If he's overrated, it's because idiots assume that when you start as an eighth grader, that translates to major DI and anything less is a failure. Get a life. He has been a pleasure to watch and is a great kid. Switch Taplin in for Bathurst and I suspect Olean is still heading to states. Does that mean Taplin is the POY? No, but it also doesn't make him overrated. At least he's rated. Are you? Doubt it.
Posted by: Jochen Hecht | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 07:40 PM
I think TAPLIN is the best player in WNY right now and the most fun to watch; having said that; it is disappointing that WN never made it past the Section 6 Finals or beyond.
Posted by: fullcourt1 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 07:58 PM
I was not putting any players down, my opening statement was that they were 3 of the best players in WNY. I have 2 of them on my 1st team and the other on my 2nd team. I was stating my opinion on why I would give the MPV to panebianco over the other 2. I felt like for us he was the hardest to game plan for and stop (we didn't stop any of them) but he was the hardest to contain. I am not sure how you got that I was putting them down by that.
Posted by: Brian Smith | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 08:32 PM
No knock on Taplin but he doesn't have any big time offers just has offers from small schools and I think he is kinda overrated how many times did he lead his team to Glenn falls ? Ill wait for that answer
Posted by: Jayhawks | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 09:14 PM
Let's see: McDonald's all American nomination: gatorade player of the year nomination:finalist for Mr basketball ny:ranked 43 by ESPN for his position: selected to play in the Jordan classic:3 time selection to all wny:the list goes deeper of yeah Creighton, BYU,QUINNIPIAC,A AGAIN the list goes deep and someone says over rated tell me some one else here in Buffalo with that back ground I'll wait
Posted by: over rated | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 09:46 PM
Noah Whalen of Kenmore West has to be a part of this discussion. He put together a great senior season, averaging 20 points a game and had a few thrilling last second shots against NT and Joe's that resulted in KW victories. Best player on KW all season, no question, no one else even close. NFL All-Star. KW was not a very deep team this year but they still managed to capture a share of the title. I believe there are many deserving players who go unnoticed and overlooked due to the league they play in or team they play for. He definitely deserves to be in this discussion.
Posted by: KW Hoops | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 11:41 PM
if Taplin was as good as people over hyped him he would of lead his team to Glenn Falls and is he playing in a McDonald all American game, is he Mr Basketball for NY, Is he ranked in the ESPN 100 is he a state champion in high school and he has been on varsity for how many years 4? and when he gets a offer from a ACC Big12 Big Ten PAC 12 yeah no big offers just small school offers so get your information together and he is overrated and WNY isn't a popular area for basketball recruits so of course he is going to make the first team
Posted by: Jayhawks | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 09:34 AM
Agreed on the Section VI website not being updated fully which makes it difficult to do an objective comparison when you can't follow all teams. It is a shame lazy coaches penalize their players by not doing the most rudimentary updating of stats.
Posted by: ECICfan | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 10:01 AM
The section 6 web site is great I don't understand why they don't make it mandatory. Can anyone answer that I'd love to hear why not. The MMA should also have to submit its stat's also.
Posted by: From the North | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 12:21 PM
@Jayhawk first things first its Glen falls and you need to pick up a paper or find another source for information. Nominated for the McDonalds game and yes he is ranked in the top 100 for his position by ESPN and if you have Mid Major or ACC Big12 and so on its the scholarship that is important. I think you are just one of those haters that have no clue who that kid is and obviously you don't know his stat line.
Posted by: overated | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 12:25 PM
@Jayhawk by the way are you familiar with EYBL??? I'll wait....
Posted by: overated | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 12:31 PM
Yeah his position a lot of people get that but he is not ranked in the top 100 overall and I'm not a hater I'm just tired of these kids from these bigger schools getting all the attention over guys from smaller schools that are just as good. There are players at smaller schools that had a better senior season then him. And to me he is overrated stats mean nothing it's all about the wins and I just haven't seen him lead his team far, and if he was as good as you say he would lead his team far enough said
Posted by: Jayhawks | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 12:34 PM
@overrated yeah AAU Summer league watched a couple Kansas commits play in it Cliff Alexander and Kelly Oubre
Posted by: Jayhawks | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 12:47 PM
@jayhawks you have to read more carefully no one said he was in the top rank 100 over all not me anyway. Stats do mean something you are starting to show your true colors that you have no basketball knowledge at all. If stats did not mean anything then why waste the time. He is that good pay closer attention to the fact that without him do they win that many game, let me help no they don't. You are a frustrated non athlete.
Posted by: overated | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 02:50 PM
I think Taplin is a good player low to possibly mid level D1 .Which is a great accomplishment.He was overhyped by this area for years , which makes some casual fans think he can play at a ACC, PAC 10 Big East Level.Our area rarely produces those players .So when we have a good player they become overhyped.
But for ppl to think its is a disspointment to play any level D1 they are mistaken , it takes alot of talent and hard work. With that being said i think he is most talented kid in WNY but not POY , I would lean to Zach or Bathurst.
Posted by: buffs best | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 02:52 PM
Jayhawks -
If you want some credibility, earn some. Don't come on here saying there are kids from small schools who had better seasons. It's way too ambiguous. Be specific - which players are you talking about?
You can't just start taking shots at Taplin and say kids are better. "Kids" have names - spell it out for us. Put yourself out there. Enlighten us.
I got your tweet telling me not to forget about the small schools when doing my teams. Thank you. Did you read last year's All-Centercourt team? Were there enough kids from small schools on there for your liking? In your opinion, how many kids from the top 60 should be from small schools? Should there be a set number, or do we just honor the 60 best seasons?
While I'm asking you questions, are you a well-rounded hoop viewer at the high school level? Did you get to watch Taplin play this year? Did you see a variety of teams, or just follow Lackawanna?
I think you have made yourself out to be a very knowledgeable hoop follower, so please back it up with your teams. Show everyone how much you know and give us all your five teams, along with 35 Honorable Mentions. Just don't forget about the large schools.
Posted by: centercourt | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 04:13 PM
@overrated stats will always be stats but wins are more valuable. People remember wins longer then they remember stats. And if he was as good as a player that you say he is he would of carried his team in playoffs, that's when the good players show up and he failed to show up. And what makes him such a good player? He failed to win in the clutch. And I'm a frustrated athlete, I'm just giving my opinion that I think he is overrated you must feel some type of way and I have no basketball knowledge? Feel free to follow me on twitter @JayhawkRecruits and I'll give you a whole book on basketball. Just get over the fact that he is overhyped and failed to show up in the clutch.
Posted by: Jayhawks | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 04:15 PM
Taplin is a great bball player. Period ! End of discussion. He may not be POY and if not it won't be that he doesn't have talent or didn't have a great year. No doubt you put him on any other team that won a sectional title and that team would be as good if not a whole lot better.
Too many people on here talking him down. Celebrate his season and fantastic 5 year varsity career. It was special and one we won't likely see soon enough again.
And congrats to all title winners!!
And yo Zach great job in the sectional final. You were fantastic, great shooting, driving, passing and D. Just loved watching you play.
Posted by: hoopster | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 04:17 PM
buffs best -
When you say Taplin "was overhyped by this area for years", who are you referring to?
The reason I ask is I hear that a lot. It can't be from me. Everything I've ever written is archived on this site. Use the site's search engine and type in the word Taplin. Or you could click on 'Williamsville North' in the cloud of schools on the right hand column. either should show you just about everything that's ever included his name. I've certainly given him his deserved, positive press, but I've never hyped him and definitely never over-hyped him.
The Buffalo News wrote its first feature on the five-year starter and ran it on the Monday of Buff State week. People have called him over-rated & over-hyped since long before that.
I think if people really chose their words carefully, the worst thing you could really come up with to say about Taplin is that you thought when he was a varsity starter in eighth grade, you thought it would translate to more team success in recent seasons and that he'd have a full ride to Kentucky by now.
Sterling Taplin is not over-hyped. He's over-scrutinized & over-criticized. As someone who loves to follow the local scene, I can honestly say I will really miss watching him play next year. He is more talented and played the game at a higher level than over 99% of the high school players in this area. For that, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to watch him play, not eager to hit him with a negative label for only projecting as a mid major. Will Regan started at Virginia and has since transferred to UB, a mid major, where he is thriving. Regan was a three-time first team selection by the Buffalo News from 2008-2010. Was he over-hyped also? No, he was just a heck of a player who is still playing the game he loves at a high level.
Posted by: centercourt | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 04:38 PM
I'm only guessing that the list of people qualified to even make a list wouldn't fill the first team roster. That is why I believe section six needs to mandate the coaches submitting their stats. However stats don't give you a clear picture its just a snap shot. I also don't believe you can blame one player on a teams success or failure. I've never seen Taplin play but would venture to guess he is pretty good being how he is talked about.
Posted by: From the North | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 04:52 PM
@centercourt When I said don't forget some of the smaller school guys I was referring to Johnathon Lewis from East, Dylan Dussault from Alden, Clay Lewis from Holland, Jeremiah Jones, Larry Fields, and Darius Cleveland from Lackawanna, Bradley Palmerton from Eden, Percy Bryant from East, and Jacob Haight from Barker.
Posted by: Jayhawks | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 05:18 PM
I think Johnathon Lewis made a strong case for POY this season with the year he had. He had a great game against Olean scoring 24 points and keeping east in the game at the end, also a strong showing against Aquinas With 32, 33 on middle early, 27 against Timon, 18 against McKinley, 17 against Hutch Tech. With the senior year he had he deserve to be on the First Team, I think he earned a spot on the first team.
First Team
Jonathan Lewis
Zack Panebianco
Will Bathurst
Donte Williams
Tyree Tyson
Second Team
Sterling Taplin
Sam Eckstrom
Howard Washington
Percy Brant
Ryan Funk
Third Team
Quinn Lee Yaq
Lester Diaz
Jake Haight
Tc brown
Stafford Trueheart
Fourth team
Cam Lewis
Nick Schmidt
Chris Miner
Kevin Briggs
Tyler English
Fifth Team
Larry Fields
Colin Dougherty
Dylan Dussault
Clay Lewis
Bill Brooks
Posted by: Jayhawks | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 05:57 PM
Panebianco (POY)- Was stellar all season , especially in Far West Regional
1st Team:
Bathurst- Close second in POY
Williams- Carried team entire year
J. Lewis- Picked up team when Tyson was not 100% or out
Trueheart- Best player on CHS this year. Dominated paint and rebounded to get break going, scored with very few touches in the offense
2nd Team:
B. Brown
3rd Team:
Ry. Richards
C. Lewis
4th Team
T. Brown
5th Team
HM: Miner, Diaz, Morrison, Welch, C. Williams, Bowen, Tyson, Cieslek, Bryant, J. Jones, Castranova, Whalen, Lawrence
My one disclaimer is that I don't see very much Southern Tier or N-O games, so I don't see very many of the small school kids.
Posted by: PJB | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 06:13 PM
1st Team
Will Bathurst, Sr. Olean
Sterling Taplin, Sr. Williamsville North
Bri'an Brown, Sr. Middle College
Donte Williams, Sr. Timon-St. Jude
Zach Panebianco, Jr. Jamestown
2nd Team
Jonathan Lewis, Sr. East High
Kevin Briggs, Sr. Middle College
Quinn Lee Yaw, Sr. Jamestown
Sam Eckstrom, Sr. Olean
Ryan Funk, Sr. Clarence
3rd Team
Nick Schmidt, Sr. Olean
Billy Brooks, Jr. Silver Creek
Howard Washington, So. Canisius
Chris Miner, Jr. Nichols
Cam Lewis, Jr. Nichols
4th Team
Dylan Meyer, Sr. Fredonia
Bryan Jost, Sr. Clarence
Phil Bowen, Sr. Iroquois
Jake Haight, Sr. Barker
Stafford Trueheart, So. Canisius
5th Team
Tanner Schmit, Jr. Nichols
Lester Diaz, Sr. Lafayette
Tyler English, Sr. St. Mary's
Zak Ciezki, Jr. Cheektowaga
D'Andre Steward, Sr. McKinley
Posted by: @4TheRecord | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 06:49 PM
Well it's time to wake up this blog with my pick for POY and why. He lead his team to the NO League championship, the last time that was done was 1945 Barker is the smallest school in that league. He holds the school all time scoring record at 1338 points. His stats are on par with past POY picks. I know stats don't count I've been told that many times on this blog. Finally his team was the only undefeated team in section six. Had a team from Buffalo done that it would of been front page news! I'm so proud of my son as I'm sure most of you are Good Luck Jake down the road Love Dad!
Posted by: From the North | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 07:02 PM
This list is not correct at all there are not many Public School kids...It's not fair and not justified. My boy plays in the suburbs and I cover a lot of city kids. They get screwed every year it's wrong.
Posted by: Trenton White | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 07:47 PM
1st team
Wil Bathurst
Johnathon Lewis
Donte Williams
Zach panebianco
Sterling taplin
2nd team
Quin lee yaw
Sam eckstrom
Stafford trueheart
Bri'an brown
Ryan funk
3rd team
Cam Lewis
Percy Bryant
Nick Schmidt
Howard Washington
Billy brooks
4th team
Chris miner
Kevin Briggs
Jake haight
Tyler English
Justin hollins
5th team
Zak ciezki
Lester Diaz
Dylan Meyer
Tc brown
Dylan dussault
These are my teams for all-centercourt from
What I've seen this whole year .....
Posted by: Joel paki | Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 08:07 PM
Centercourt, Not referring to you at all in saying he is a bit overhyped. I spend alot of time around bball fans and hear alot and have for years about Taplin. I knew the kid was very good and was a mid major to low D1 kid.
Most people you talked to in area would think he is a major D1 talent, because of the lack of major D1 talent in the WNY area. Therfore they dont understand what or who is a major D1 recruit.
and to answer your question yes Reagen was overhyped for same reason, i told everyone under the sun Virgina was over his head and he would be back at a local college..these kids are very talented as I stated about taplin, but people around the WNY area don't understand that it is a completely different level to be a "high major" guy. Therfore for those reasons I do think the kids were over hyped.
Posted by: buffs best | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 09:24 AM
A lot of the players in WNY look good simple because the talent and competition is dried up. If you ever been to a game in New York City our New Jersey you can see how good there players are compared to WNY players. There just isnt any great players in WNY. Howard Washington is good but do you think he would be as good if he played in a state that produce a lot of talent. I'm a fan of his but we shouldn't over hype him cause he got scholarships to a couple small schools
Posted by: Jayhawks | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 10:25 AM
@Buffs Best, so if Reagen and Taplin would have never had one write up about them not one and they had the same numbers stats wise, then what would people say?? So overhype is a term used by whom?? So as sports writers should we not say a word of an athlete that plays well, because fear of being "overhyped". Its almost like putting these kids in a catch 22, for being good these are the things that go along with being good (overhyped). Major D1 or Mid Major D1 if you have an offer and will go and be able to compete in the class room and on the court and your PARENTS don't pay the bill, then what is overhyped!!!!
Posted by: overated | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 10:34 AM
@overrated overhyped when basketball fans in the area think there great and they Are the greatest young talent out there in the nation. Not saying you said that but from what I heard people saying that's why I said he was over hyped because of that and people think he could do that on good competition like for example he had a good game against Timon but if he was to face someone more challenging like Christ The King from NYC our the Patrick school from New Jersey he wouldn't put up half the numbers he do in WNY he would just be a average player in New Jersey and New York City
Posted by: Jayhawks | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 01:03 PM
Overhyped , in my mind is projecting guys at a higher level than they can compete. As i mentioned both guys are very talented .i have heard the kid is being recruited by Kentucky by USC by other countless big name schools everywhere I go. And I dont think sportswriters overhyped the kids as I mentioned earlier.Its the fans in the area and even the coaches to an extent that buy into this madness
Its when poeple and alot in in this area believe that these kids are going to huge powerhouses, and are able to compete at top level of D! ball and I hear that everywhere I go. I have always played the voice of reason to naive fans and parents alike.
So again i will state these kids are very good players but for these guys to get the hype that surronded a Jonny Flynn type player is a joke.Therfore I will state again these guys are all good players , it takes a ton of talent and hard work to get to any level of Division 2 or 3 bball let alone D1.But why hype a Taplin so much comapered to a say Panebianco. This kids is terrific but I dont here people saying he is going to Kentucky USc etc. etc..Dontay williams is a unbelievable talent I dont hear him mentioned in th same breath. Even Bathurst who is a D1 guy gets half the hype of Taplin.
Posted by: buffs best | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 02:15 PM
The comments on this board are getting baffling. Kentucky and Christ the King are now the only bench marks for local HS players. Panibianco is great because he exceeded expectations, but Taplin is overhyped because he didn't meet the expectations of apparently the fans and coaches.
Posted by: CM | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 03:16 PM
Buffs best: didn't Reagan score over 2000 points, win two Manhattan cups, state title, federation title, class a POY, 3 time all WNY, 2 POY earn multiple scholarship offers from many high major schools? And that is overhyped? You sound like someone that has a hard time giving credit when it has been earned. I bet you score 20 points in your driveway and that's why you call yourself best.
Posted by: Steve | Friday, March 14, 2014 at 03:37 PM