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Monday, December 22, 2014


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Hope no one gets too carried away with Walsh's "victory". Typical Olean refs taking care of their own. My understanding is that fouls were 15 - 1 in favor of the home team the fourth quarter alone. This has happened for years down there...I recall a game where Will Regan and he fellow state champs played to a 3 point victory down there and Walsh had 6 players...I was there and it was ridiculous. Not sure why MMA lets this persist. Not that it matters, a win in December is worth as much as a tip off tourney win...except there are no trophies

Here it comes the crying and excuses from Nichols has begun. I figuredyou would be happy nobody was talking about losing to WALSH. Instead you get the conversation started by blaming the refs! You people are brilliant. Were there bad refs in the Mckinley game or the SC game? Or what about Lancaster? Or are all those teams that close to Nichols? Let me guess...if not for the bad refs Nichols beats Walsh by 30. Give me a break people.

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