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Monday, February 23, 2015


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Is Foster going to be suspended for tackling that McKinley player?

Great question...after hearing about the unfortunate ending to what was a great basketball game for 31 minutes and 44 seconds and then SEEING video footage of the malay that transpired due to one player's undisciplined action...was sad. I have coached multiple sports in section vi for almost 20 years and to even think that this action would go unpunished woud frankly be both disheartening and irresponsible.
My two cents.

Why is everything so hush hush? Nobody knows anything? CC, you always know what is happening but suddenly your not talking either. You were at that game and not only did youm not write up the game, but you have never said a thing about it. Nothing from TV or papers either. A brawl breaks out at the Galleria Mall and its the top story on 7. But a fight at a game involving players and no one talks and players keep playing. Someone call Claudine Ewing, she can get to the bottom of this.

The ALTERCATION was obviously a Dark Moment but I personally Condone CENTERCOURT for focusing on BASKETBALL and not casting judgement; it is not his position. Keep up the Good Work!

What brawl? There was a McKinley/Middle College game? Still working on my 2015 football preview

So...is Foster playing? And did he play a few days after the altercation against Burgard?

Fred played against Bennett, just two days after the altercation.

Stay classy, Randy Rich

I truly believe - and I mean this - that there should b a STATUE of Center Court in front of every HS gym in WNY. Amazing writer, informative, Tom Brady fan, and a great person. I can't wait 2 have him 'help me' do the ALL WNY team.

I heard 2 guys from MEC got 2 games suspension.... Of course they were 2 non-factors who see little time. They get 2 games for leaving the bench.. Guys who tackled and threw punches at other players get nothing... Am I missing something??

Unfortunate that programs like MEC are more concerned with W's than actually developing their players into good citizens. Can't really say I'm surprised considering the coach.

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