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Wednesday, March 18, 2015


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What is this, t-ball? 8 McKinley, 8 East, and 7 Middle College players get all conference accolades. Ha - Makes the award pretty meaningless when every player that steps on the court gets recognition.

I disagree and give the Yale Cup credit for their selections. Winning has to be factored into these types of decision as at the end of the day that is why you play. McKinley, East and MEC all win and made it(East, MEC) to the Far West regionals. Unfortunately, some of these All League teams are based largely on scoring average. In my opinion, if your team does not finish in the top 2 or 3 in your league you should not be considered a POY and if you’re not in the top half of your league being first team all-league should be a rare occurrence. Of course, there will be worthy exceptions but I don’t see it this year year in the leagues that I follow closely (MMA, Yale, and ECIC I, II & III)

If it was Tee Ball then I would think everyone would get an award or be placed on a league team. Those players from East, McKinley and MEC were obviously, by far and away, the best players in the league.

I agree with the original poster. How can the 8th man even be in consideration? That's so absurd. And I completely disagree with your comment that a player on a team outside the top 2/3 shouldn't be considered. A player has no say (well, that's not completely true with Buffalo or private schools with recruiting and school choice) what sort of talent is on his team. If he's stuck with a bunch of donkeys he should be punished? Crazy talk. That awesome Diaz kid from Lafayette a few years back is a great example.

It's the only league with a 3rd team and an honorable mention group.

Lester Diaz led Lafayette to an 8-4 record in league, finishing third.

POY’84- After reading your comment I decided to take a closer look at how POY awards broke down based on team performance. If you look at CC posts on all-league teams and league standings you can see that of the leagues that have a POY 11 of 14 (includes co-POY) picks were from teams that finished in the top 3 of their leagues.

The breakdown—
8 of the POY played for a team that won or tied for first
MMA A (Reed), MMA B (Nwora) Yale Cup I (Morris), Yale II (Maye), ECIC 1 (Panebianco), ECIC III (Brown), CCAA I West (Piper), CCAA I East (Brooks).

3 of the POY played for a team that came in 3rd
Yale 1 (Bryant) finished third in Yale I and was co-player of the year with Morris.
Charter Schools (Searles)
ECIC IV (Lewis)

2 of the POY played for a team that came in 4th place
CCAA II West (Soffel)
CCAA II East (Granger)

1 of the POY played for a team that came in 6th
ECIC II (Parucki)

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