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Wednesday, March 04, 2015


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Good luck to Fredonia going forward. They will represent Section 6 Class B (hopefully) at regionals and the State tournament with effort, character, and sportsmanship. They are a very good team with athleticism, depth, talent, and great coaching.

Fredonia PG Jarod Burmaster (Dad is an 1986 Wilson grad) is a 'tough as nails' player. I enjoyed watching his hustle on both ends of the court.

Beat East!

That was one of the best high school basketball games I've seen in a very long time. The Lakemen, even though they were eventual losers, have nothing to hang their heads about. A team from the constantly overlooked and criticized N.O. League takes a state ranked and talented Fredonia team to the brink and gives them all they can handle. Thus far in this tournament Wilson vs. Fredonia was the best game with the best individual performance by one player.

How did Fredonia beat East and Olean? Although Wilson showed heart in that game they aren't the "powerhouse" team that could even be close to the two teams Fredonia beat during the regular season. There where two players at the end of the Fredonia bench that played significant rolls last year but only got a sniff of the court last night during pregame warmups. What's their story? If they were playing last night this game would have never turned into the epic game that we saw last night.

The kids you are referring to at the end of the bench graduated. One of them was Dylan Meyer. Fredonia wasn't missing anyone last night - same five starters they've rollled with all season.

I too am wondering how they crushed East. I would have thought that would have been a very competitive game. I know East was short their big man but still would have expected more. I think the B2 final should be a great game and my expectation is that East will win. Only thing creating any doubt is the fact that Fredonia smoked them a few short weeks ago.

Thanks for the info on the two on the bench. I thought it was odd that they were hanging there. Especially when I saw them in the pregame warmups. Good luck Fredonia!

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