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Friday, November 24, 2017


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Great job once again!

Awesome! Think the middle early and health Science gamessage will be competitive. Ticket with POY. Dolan wins another section title. Canisius stuns Park for another MMA. Also I would take 2 freshmen and 2 8th graders before Eubanks.
Should be another great season. Good luck all!
CC you deserve a medal.

Great work. Health is strong again but Lott loss will hurt at some point. I think Dolan is POY from past contibutions and Healths schedule is weak. I dont think its a stunner as Canisius beats Park every year.They are the top team in the area no one will beat them locally. And I agree on the 8th graders, Iam assuming you mean from NF . I saw them at Canisius scrimmag and I agree those two are complete studs . And the top freshman is the kid from NW , although Eubanks kid from the bit I have seen is a exciting player.#crusaders

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