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Monday, January 29, 2018


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Awesome job in pairing these teams up. I am looking forward to a day of hoops action so I will definitely see you there!!

You mentioned all the obvious reasons CC, but one. YOU!!! There have been many who have given much, notably numerous coaches, administrators and Keith McShea, on behalf of , but I cannot honestly come up with one person who has given more to and for high school ballers than you. Before starting this site you were the pre eminent observer of high school hoops. You always wrote insightfully, fairly and covered a diverse array of players and schools. From those beginnings over at the old BN prep talk blog you then saw a hole for the kind of wall-to-wall coverage that brought this web site and has made you a beacon in the local hoops scene. You provide information in one place that cannot be found anywhere else. Most importantly you shine a glowing light on high school hoops and the characters that make it so compelling Year after year. And no one does it better.

It was an honor to come out yesterday to support you, your family, the kids and celebrate all the wonderful work you’ve done. Job well done! On behalf of an appreciative community, THANK YOU!!!

As someone who knows the game as well as you do, has known me throughout the entire process and been a friend at every turn, your kind words are extra meaningful. Thank you for coming out on Saturday and for all the support over the years. After all, 'hoopster' responding to 'centercourt's' comments on Prep Talk way back in the day is where it all began. Lots of great memories and hopefully more to come. Thanks again!!

Great job with the Classic! Nice to have a full day of hoops in between the normal December tournaments and Buff State, especially with the MLK being snowed out this year. Games featured some unique match-ups that were capped by an exceptional final. Hopefully this was just the first of many Classics to follow.

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