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Tuesday, March 22, 2016


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CHAD at Centercourt makes it all happen.

Nichols got hosed. State rankings are a joke and the panel or whoever votes from the WNY area should have fought for those boys.

You can't put make the rankings on head to head in basketball. Otherwise Greece Athena is way down although they handled Canisius easier than I thought they could.
Nichols suffered alot of blowout losses this year including 2x to Walsh, so you can't really send them up the charts when the Walsh upset in class B turned the whole braket upside down.

FYI Chautuqua Lake boys finished 26 in class C. Honorable Mention.

Personally saw enough of both teams and opponents to safely sax that Amherst totally belonged ahead of McKinley in the final State A rankings.There is no way the Mack's could have dealt with Ipkezed size for starters and size was a major factor in McKinleys losses this year.Too much emphasis put on Tigers loss to Will South.How about the 22-2 season and well over 20 point differential,the emergence an improvement of Nathan Waldu and Amadi Ikpeze and the best passer in the section in scoring whiz TC Brown.Just tired of the lack of respect for Amherst.This team was,as fun to watch and as exciting as,any team in the section this year

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