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Wednesday, January 18, 2017


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Do you know if James Rojas is a D1 player, and if so, do you know the offers? Also, who do you think is the most talented player in WNY?

I think he is borderline D1 player. Is he big enough to play the post at a D1 is he skilled enough to play a wing? Welch is easily the most talented player in WNY in my opinion. Dolan is very very good, may be the best player in the area although not as much pure talent as Welch. Hutchins is a freak athletically , but he has yet to be consistent enough to prove he is the best in the area, he disappears for long stretches of games . Daniel Scott is one of the most talented kids in area also at about 6'0 does he eventually have to become a PG for college ball. Those would be who I think are the most talented players in the area as of now. Not saying there are not other really good players but talent and where they project as college prospects these are the guys.

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