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Thursday, January 19, 2017


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I blew it. Kudos to Frannies. For the first time in a long time I'm really looking forward to the Manhattan Cup playoffs.

Note to Frannies' AD: You had a helluva team in 2006/07 that came within a whisker of MC championship with one of WNY's top 5 players on that team and a bunch of unselfish complementary players that could shoot, pass the ball and defend.

And, oh yeah.......nice article CC!

I almost left at halftime but was glad I stayed! I have not seen St. Francis play in a while and was impressed with their passing and defense against Park. The SF guards played very well, making good decisions against the Park zone. After watching Will South and SF play Park it is clear to me that Park can be pressured which negates the significant size advantage that they will hold over most every team in WNY.

Can you name all the players in WNY with D1 offers that you know of? Just curious

Greg Dolan, South
Dom Welch, Cheektowaga
Joe Jones, Park
Noah Hutchins, Park
Dan Scott, Park

Also Davonte Gaines from Health Sciences has offers from Kent State and Monmouth.

Crazy 3 players with d1 offers three other players 6 '7 plus they should run the table in WNY. Parks undoing will be coaching as it has been the last few years with the most talented roster in the area. Ferris does a great job with Frannies.

A great source of information on scholarship offers is:

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