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Wednesday, February 28, 2018


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Always good to see some balance brought back to the force and in this case the MMAA. Congrats Park! Time to restore some competitive balance. Hopefully Timon, Frannies and Joes can bet back in there too, Nothing better than seeing multiple excellent teams battling for the Cup.

Imagine swapping in St. Joes for Park in the battles with Canisius the last few years....would be a whole lot more meaningful and exciting. Canisius is far and away the elite program in WNY but Park has been able to match them in talent the last few years. Next year will be interesting with a depleted Canisius roster. Don't be surprised if there are some new additions to CHS next year.

Congrats to Jaylen Morris...St.Joe's grad. He is getting minutes with the Atlanta Hawks.

Egads! Villa Maria?!?! That’s the abolute worst location for a state championship Sunday double header. The parking is miserable. The venue isn’t as good as some high school gyms. Why not Canisius? Buff State? Daemen? Niagara? Each of these have been used in the last 10-12 years. Villa would be fine for a mid season game, but not for a state final!!

Villa is the only place that offers a reasonable rate for their facilities. Parking is a nightmare anyplace that fills up. Daemen's parking is way worse & a lousy atmosphere with fans stuck on one side. The Catholic finals are a weird animal anyway considering the B teams have to wait a week to find out which end of the state the game is played. Meet in the middle, play in Syracuse. Faced with that, Villa sounds like a welcomed option. Canisius and Buffalo State are perfect is money is no object.

Thanks for your take Russ. Some of the best high school basketball ever played in WNY has been at the state catholic finals. I go back as far as the early 2000s when St. Joes played the NYC champ at Niagara. Joes had two guys that went on to play D1 college football and a host of other wonderful players like Devon Dawson. The action was fierce. It was an up and down super exciting game. It’s a shame the MMAA has to settle for Villa. They need to rise to the occasion. If money is the issue then raise the entry a few bucks to pay for the increased cost or get a few more sponsors. They’re really aren’t any excuses. For me anyway, I’ll be watching for CC’s updates rather than going to the games.

Huge gap from A and B levels this year. Park blasted NC by 40 during the year. Still NC is an exciting team to watch. Russ Great breakdown. Wish these local colleges would be appreciative of the moment. Even treat it like a mini tour of sorts for visiting parents. Not just for athletics but the whole school...

Dorian, Not so much an A and B gap Dorian it is a Canisius and Park gap this year. NC lost to Timon by 6 . Next year will be interesting Ohara and NC can be top 4 teams overall in the division if teams don't lose or gain players

Yeah agreed MMA fan. Hope for good games this weekend. Johnson from West has shown he might be the best guard in WNY on a team I believe can compete with anyone!

Agree MMAfan, Canisius and Park were a cut above other locals this year. Having said that I think that Timon, NC Health Sci and Niagara Falls would have a very good shot at beating WSW. WSW did not play anyone outside of their league schedule (probably due to the last minute coaching change and player transfers).

Also I would be very surprised if Canisius doesn't bring in a couple of transfers since they graduate 7 of their top 8

Canisius better bring in some transfers or their done again next year. If the 5 seniors couldn't win anything they have no chance with what's left because Park has everything back. I think the period of dominance is over for them. Great run but by next year at this time we'll be saying the rest of the league has caught up.

Canisius had an undefeated freshmen team and JV team that went 21-1 so I wouldn't be as quick as some here with "predictions" on next year ...

There are only one or two kids from Canisius JV that will contribute. JV in this area is so bad let alone Freshman. Canisius will be average unless they get transfers. They have no scoring or shooting coming back on Varsity. Park will dominate area and Timon ,WSW will be next in line.

The season isn't even over and we're still talking about Canisius HS basketball. That's how relevant that program is in WNY. Every year everyone wonders "What will Canisius do?" The answer is simple. The best players, who want to play for the best coach, in the best league, in the best facilities and receive the BEST education will go to Canisius. They'll retool like they have done so many times in the past and remain relevant.

Let's talk about the playoffs, forget about "poor" Canisius.

JUST iso irrelevant. I believe WSW is top 3 team and Johnson is top 3 guard in WNY.

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