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Thursday, March 07, 2019


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Lightfoot for first team. No questions asked. Gayle POY did you see what he did? Also loved Mullens on Amherst real pitbull was first time seeing him. Randall WSW COY and my Frannies for disappointing team.

Ja'Kari Nettles from MEC got snubbed in C1. Averaging a double-double this postseason this far. Congrats to all the selections though.

Where is Torree Cheatham?

Mad Mike, I agree with Randall as COY even though he did not do his best coaching job against Lew-Port.

I don 't question dez..(excellent job)
coaching.... but I would have loved to have seen that faster Pace Style against lewport like he did last year...probably hard without his quarterback (justin)though

NFHS v North featured very high level coaching. If you took that game to a playground NFHS would whip North. North's coaching kept them in the game. NFHS displayed all poise while down. No screaming, no hollering, no silliness and absolutely no panic. Sal kept his guys in and positive. No yanking guys who missed shots, complete confidence in outcome.

You GOT to be kidding about Dez no way he deserves COY this season. They lost to Seneca East, twice to Clarence, barely beat Ken East to get out of first playoff, and won worst A1 class ever. Lost last game by 12 and finished one game over 500. HOW is that possibly COY?

Observations at buff state

Caught a few games
Scott was most impressive player in class A . Have followed through the year but finally saw him in person . Gayle scored alot of free throw shots but was an impressive Big. Bright future for the kid.

Lightfoot had a game for ages.Reninded me of the Jenard Jackson game years ago .Will North was tough and did not deserve to lose. Foul coach

Randolph game was hard to watc. 3 points in two qtrs. Middle Early was very tough .

Olean was impressive, they may be right behind park if not right there. love Schmidts playmaking.

Did not get a chance to see East or Tapestry although it looked like a great game .

tough when top players have bad game Hind struggled along with Bradberry and sounds like Stewart although I missed that one. You hope a bad game is not held against the overall great years.

My surprise was Cal Shiflet a smooth playmaker that I have never seen long , versatile he is very good .

Are these comments meant to be funny? Gayle POY? If you don't think it's Noah your clueless. Des COY for what? Going 13-12 and winning the worst Class A1 ever? Losing twice to Clarence? NF vs North featured high level coaching? You are that impressed with 'the clap' and letting a kid who had 17 points in a row TAKE at 3 to tie the game when you could have fouled ANYONE and sent them to line in a 1 an 1 situation with the superior rebounding team in case they miss on purpose after making the first?

And Francis a bad year? They went 13-11 losing to Park 2 times - once in OT - Canisius 3 times - once in 3 OT's - 4 teams out of WNY (Holy Trinity, Ludden, Grimes, AA finalist U Prep) Olean and O'Hara. Somehow Will North who lost to Jamestown and Clarence would have won any of those 11 games? Amherst who lost to West Seneca East would have won any of those 11? They crushed Health Science who lost in OT at Lew Port....so just calm down on how 'bad' of year Francis had, they still should end up #5 in the final poll behind Park, Lew Port/Falls, Canisius.

Other than that the posts here look great!

Bozo - Would I have fouled if I were North coach? Yeah. Does that mean he coached a bad game? Nope. Falls has two kids who have multiple D1 offers. If there were a "line" it would have been 10 or more. When you make a mistake at work does it mean you had a bad day? Or does it mean you are not perfect? Guy coached a great game, if you ever coached a high school game you know it was well coached. A single questionable decision is not the entire story -- at least not for us fallible mortals.

Like your comnents, they are good, you just not perfect,- thinking a game can be appreciated by looking at a single action.


Hutchins POY

Crazy horse have you followed teams all year or just at Buff State and MMA playoffs ? Haynes player of the year in the best lg in MMA, Ans if you are basing off playoffs had almost 30 in finals over nichols while Hemphill was quiet. Bradberry more consistent year than lightfoot and parks big stud should all be in running. Gayle,Hutchins would be my locks. Hind , Goodrodge deserve a chance possibly

Forgot about another player Scott from lew port .Two way monster that should have been MVP of A regional. If we are basing off playoffs he is 1st team WNY without a question.Kid is a flat out beast.

Section 6, How is MMA B the best league in MMA? They have O’Hara and Nichols and that’s it. Do you remember? Park beat O’Hara pretty good.

Willie lightfoot played handcuffed all season!! The last qtr of the will North game is what you should have seen all season from the falls!! They go as Willie goes!! Second best pt guard in WNY!

Please stop with the Schmidt,Hind,and Goodridge talk of 1st team,averaged kids playing in Jv league...

Dez for coy?Really.....There off is Baugh shoot everytime like Justin last yr,that’s creative....They couldn’t speed it up against Lewport,that team can’t be pressured,and if the handcuffs were taken off in second half they kill West Seneca West!!!!!!

WNY sorry I was stating that he plays in the best lg in the area which is the MMA. I worded it poorly.

Frannies got bigger goals than most would estimate. Anything other than a championship game is a huge disappointment. Hemphill should not be 1st team anywhere. I'd take the Park tank before him. If I see another Schmidt first team I may lose my mind. Kid is good but not on that level. I'd take both Amherst guards, Poumpey, and Baugh before him. Frannies will be back and we got cheated this year!! Also not sold on Hutchins POY.

Hitch , you really think that can be the norm of any kid I call it an anomal. It was a great half that deserved all the praise, and fun to watch. A kid got hot and made some great shots. I have seen the falls team three times this year including the CC Classic and the Chip game vs Lewiston which was a loss to the talented Gayle and co team.

PG had carte blance to do as he pleased in the three games I saw, I wouldnt call that handcuffed. They sort of just play the hot hand as it was Bradberry at the CC classic and the Lewiston loss it might have been a mix of Turner, Lightfoot and Bradberry taking turns who led them.
As far as second best PG yes in due time. I think for right now I lean Schmidt as a pure PG, yes competiton is not the best , but when they came to play in the cities area they handled Francis easy The kid avg 10 assist a game that is hard anyplace. Schmidt is a Stockton like PG. Call me old fashioned

SNY,Cant fault kids like Schmidt , Hind, Goodridge for where they live. You guys can call it JV but Olean beats anyone in WNY not named Park. And Hind and Goodridge would start and produce on any team in WNY.

Now goodluck to all these teams Saturday , not sure what sections chances are but BlueCross should be rocking as it always is. Park and Ohara can be penciled in for State Champs also.

Among the JV and nobody's schedule Olean played:

St. Francis - An MMA & Top 10 large school that took Park to overtime, Canisius to triple overtime, and beat Health Sciences by 15

Jamestown - A Class AA team with 16 wins, including Sweet Home, North, Orchard Park, Clarence, & McKinley.

Tapestry - State ranked top 10 small school & Class C1 finalist that swept East & won at Timon

2 vs Allegany-Limestone - State ranked top 10 small school & Class B2 Champion

2 vs Southwestern - State ranked top 10 small school that lost by 4 in sectionals to B2 champ

Wellsville- State ranked Section V runner up in Class B, losing by 4 to Odyssey who awaits Olean in the regional

Williamsville East - Class A1 finalist

City Honors - Yale Cup II Champ

** Olean won every single game this season by double figures...

Olean is top 5 WNY (big and small) and they have clear COY as far as what I have seen (which includes pretty much every top-tier school). They did not play the top 3 big schools so any comparisons would just be speculation and we already have way too much of that.

Olean is top 5 on a good day. Schmidt is real deal though! Canisius will be back on top next year watch it. Also why no love for Vass?? Hutchins POY in a landslide. Could have won last year too. O'Hara should have 2 kids on first and second team. MEC deserve some love too. Des for COY is laughable. Go with O'Hara or Park in my opinion

This year i would of liked to see Olean play Park, O'Hara, Niagara Falls or Helath Sciences.
The schools like randolph, springville and olean need mor games with buffalo area schools so the rankings can be fair and we can see all the talent going against each other. Before they get to Buff State!!

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